Let Out The Beast

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A/N: Hello! I'm back again with another chapter! Generally, challenge chapters are the hardest for me to write, but I'm doing it for you guys! As always, enjoy!

Song for this Chapter: Let Out the Beast - EXO-K

Just like Kacchan said, Midoriya. Go out there and fight. If you don't, they'll get you aren't the Traitor, and the real one will go after you because you won't be their little shield anymore.

I stand in front of the large wooden door in front of me, the sheer height of it taking my breath away as it towers over my frail body, just like my terror.

They'll all be watching you, Midoriya. Toga, Shigaraki, Monoma, Aizawa, Hawks, his husband...I think his name was Dabi, all of your friends...

This day can't go on without an elimination, a thought that makes saliva pool in my mouth as I can't swallow due to the giant lump in my throat. My legs feel as if they're going to turn to jelly, even if enclosed in large, steel boots leading up to the thighs. How do you even walk in these?

I take several deep breaths, maybe I can steady my frantic heartbeat. I drag my feet, scraping the stone ground with my boots as I attempt to walk to the front of the large door.

A large crack appears in it's center, in the form of a straight line allowing light to enter the room from the outside. The sun kissed arena of slaughter and pain.

"Presenting, our first competitor of the Mid-Term Deathmatch, Midoriya Izuku!"

Toga's cheery voice sounds from the stands, the crowd roaring as I finally get a view of them and the large, round arena, the walls surrounding it make me feel as if I'm in the colosseum...as a very, very unlucky gladiator.

The weight of the boots makes me move tremendously slowly, as I walk to the center of the arena, shaking in my steel armor and flowy blue cape. I've got no weapon other than the steel gloves on my hands that are ridiculously hard to move and really heavy. I guess I can kill someone with these.

The sounds of the cheering crowd echo in my ears. I look up. Come on, where is he? He has wings for God's sake. I guess Hawks chose somewhere really high up.

"And going up against him, please welcome to the arena, Bakugo Katsuki!'

Oh, shoot.

I stand in the center of the concrete arena, waiting in anticipation for the large doors across me to open...to reveal Kacchan. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see him in a cape as flowy as his hair looks, regardless of spikes.

He eventually emerges with the roars of the audience who're expecting a bloodbath. His angered demeanor shows through the armor that seems to be a spitting image of mine, except the blue cape and skirt is replaced with a toned orange set. His muscles are also much more toned. His chest plates and shoulder pads show it. The sun makes his face look like a creation of god himself...not too far from reality.

I take a deep breath, looking at Kacchan as he approaches me, a scowl on his face as usual, as he rolls his eyes.

"Let's just fucking get this over with," he sighs, struggling with his armor as well. Hopefully they can't hear us.

"Y-Yeah, go easy on me," I mutter, my voice trembling as the rest of my body is.

"Ladies, gentleman, and viewers outside of the gender binary. Welcome to this year's  Mid-Term Deathmatch! These two players have been chosen by their competitors as suspected Traitors! The battle shall commence, in three...two..."

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