Princesses and Palace Towers

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A/N: Hey, I'm back! First off, I'd like to say thank you for getting this story to 2K reads, I really appreciate it! Two, I love y'all! As always, enjoy this chapter!

Song for this Chapter: About a Girl – The Academy Is...


"Places everyone! You're going to meet her Royal Highness today, since you're all healed and better." Toga gestures for us all to gather in the large, carpeted hallway which is the Throne room. "I expect you all to be on your best behavior. The Princess is young, so she's also quite sensitive and shy."

Paintings decorate the ceiling of the massive open space, large golden chandeliers hanging from the ceiling like it's the Sistine Chapel, putting the ones back at the temple to shame.

Rows of heavily armored guards sit in front of the golden throne and surrounding us, doors and all. We're all facing the guards in front of the gold and purple throne, who're holding large, silver staffs and wearing matching armor.

"And what if we're not on our best behavior?" Kacchan scoffs, his arms crossed on his chest, glaring daggers at Toga.

"Well, you will have made a mockery of both the Game and my fine leadership! And you'll get eliminated. " She stomps her foot on the red Persian carpet, her eyebrows sewn together. She sighs, looking around, then back at us. "Now, she's coming our way to greet us. Her father the King, has to tend to some important business up in the north, and he left her here under strict guard. Treat her nicely."

As Toga says that, a strong banging sound hits the ground twice, filling the large space. It came from one of the guards who's sitting at the very center of the rest of them, right in front of the lavish royal throne. I think he may be the head guard.

He takes a deep breath and takes off his metal helmet, revealing his smiling face. He runs his hand pridefully through his bright yellow hair as he stands up straight, holding the staff in front of him. He looks over to the large door to the left, which leads to a massive hallway full of rooms, then back to us. He clears his throat.  "Now, ladies and gentlemen...and gender non confirming individuals, we can't forget you—" he clears his throat again, taking another deep breath.

"I present to you, her Royal Highness, Princess Chisaki Eri of the Deviance Dimension!" He exclaims, hitting his staff against the dark wooden floor, looking over at the door with a smile.

The dark gold lined doors shoot open with a whoosh. They reveal two people; one familiar, one not. Hado, whose hand is on a little girl's clothed shoulder. She's wearing a long, light blue silk gown with a plunging neckline.

The girl she's holding on to is wearing a long red dress with a skirt leading down to under her small knees and with short, white puffy sleeves leading to her elbows.

The girl is holding onto Hado's arm, as she slightly grits her teeth, her eyes averted from us.

She's the princess? But she's so shy!

Several 'aw's leave Yaoyurozu and Ashido's mouths. I just look at the young princess with a worried frown. Is she alright? She looks like she doesn't even want to be here.

"H-hi!" The little girl squeals anxiously, looking down and tugging Hado's arm closer to her, squeezing it.

Hado whispers into the princess's ear, "Shhhh, it's okay. They're nice. Look, they're just saying hi."

"Hi," Me, Ashido, Yaoyurozu, Jiro, Todoroki and Kirishima say all in varying volumes as we wave. Meanwhile, Kacchan stays silent.

Princess Eri squeaks, as her little feet skittering behind Hado, as she hides behind her large dress and looks down. 

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