Heavens, Horns and Heathens

426 33 73

A/N: Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! I'm so sorry I'm late, I've just been going through some serious writers block, but rest assured, I'm here. As usual, enjoy this chapter!

Song for this Chapter: Bury a Friend – Billie Eilish


I feverishly trudge along the marble floors
of the palace hallways, my scene with Kacchan vividly re-playing in my head like a favorite record treasured by generations.

My breath is unstable ,my hands are at my sides, swaying with every step. Why is my heart pounding so rapidly against my chest? Why do I lose my breath every time my eyes fall on Kacchan? Is this a side effect of the serum? Is this why my cheeks are so hot around him? I'm going to need to have a talk with Hado. I don't think this is supposed to happen.

The hallway in front of me is a giant blur, my thoughts taking over all of my focus. Kacchan is the protagonist of this large collection of distractions, all bundled up into a recipe for disaster.

Should I have told him about the hole? We could've found a way to escape, but as usual, I was too scared, not courageous enough.

Then again, is subjecting your best friend to danger for your own selfish reasons courageous?

What is this hole anyway? A portal? A door inside the palace? The skies themselves? Only time will tell.

Not to mention, the next challenge will be presented soon...everyone's wounds are healed. Me and Kacchan... we're supposed to be out for blood.

But what if Todoroki isn't the Traitor? What if he's just an innocent bystander in all of this, and we're all treating him like he is?

Gosh, I need to talk to Hawks, stat! But he isn't here. Jiro and Toga are out of the question, I don't want to interrupt Yaoyurozu and Todoroki if they're doing anything that Kacchan described, I can't find Kirishima or Ashido and I can't go to Kacchan because frankly, he's the reason I'm all frantic.

We hugged. Again. It was warm, so full of care and protection. I just want to drown in his embrace, is that so much to ask? I know I feel something for Kacchan. A magnetic pull towards him like we're the north and south poles desperately seeking each other.

The light in front of me gets brighter, as my eyes are met with the large throne room once again. At this point, the bags under my eyes are so heavy they aren't even bags any more. They're luggage. It's still so early out, but I need to sleep so badly. It's probably the serum.

Toga told us to meet right over here. Is it one of these rooms, perhaps? On each side of the large throne area are two large archways with golden doors leading to yet undiscovered spaces. I walk along the painting decorated wall, maybe I'll find where we're supposed to meet with her.

Room B, Room B...Aha, there it is.

I knock on the door, looking down nervously, as I fidget with my fingers. In an instant, the gold double doors open to reveal a large table with lavish chairs and divine paintings lining the walls. This place seems less like a palace and more like an 18th century castle converted into an old fashioned company building.

Todoroki, Jiro, Ashido, Kirishima and Yaoyurozu are sitting around the brown wooden table, with Toga standing at the very end of it, Shigaraki right next to her. I'm getting serious Deja Vu. Kacchan is nowhere to be seen. Aizawa's sitting in a chair uniterested in the corner, as his hands caress the fur of a calico cat.

"Oh, Izuku, you're here! At last. I was missing you!" Toga cheered, as she showed me to a chair, pulling it back. The way she's acting. It's because of the Hole. If I tell anyone about it, Kacchan gets it. It'd ruin her reputation, that's why she wants to get on my good side with her phony smile and faux chivalry.

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