March of the Statues

414 30 106

A/N: Hello again! As you can see, this is a double update! This and the last chapter were originally supposed to be one, but it proved to be too long. Take this as an apology for being late! Enjoy!

Songs for this Chapter:
Bounce – System of a Down
March of the Pigs – Nine Inch Nails
Needles – System of a a Down

My eyes widen. What kind of challenge takes place in the forest? Well, anything can since any kind of creature can show up. Snakes, bugs, bears... I place my hands in my green pajama pockets, tremoring.

"Now, walk into the forest! The palace is at the other side! Whoever gets there first gets  a special horse riding lesson from the head knight! " Toga cheers. Shigaraki gets down from the front of the carriage with the horses walking over to her. "What are you waiting for? Go!" She exclaims.

Jiro takes a step opposite the forest, and as she does so, transparent force field like walls surround her, except for the part of her facing the forest.

Shigaraki sighs, "You thought we didn't think you would escape?" He says. "There's no avoiding the forest. Watch out for the cremated."


I glance over at Kacchan who's avoiding eye contact with me. I take a deep breath, fidgeting with my fingers as I walk up to him. The others are hesitatingly walking into the forest, me and Kacchan following behind them, yet far behind, just the two of us.

"So... Kacchan," I nervously play with my fingers. I need to tell him about what happened after our talk, but what if they can hear me? Butterflies fly around in my stomach as I try to gather my words.

Him coming out was one of the things that kept me up last night. particular question.

"About our talk yesterday..." I smile awkwardly. This certainly isn't the time, but I needed to ask him.

"The fuck do you want, Deku? I specifically told you not to talk about this again" He grumbles, whisper yelling while leaning his head closer to me so the others won't hear.

"Yeah, but I have one last question, I'm so sorry, but it's been bothering me almost all night and–"

"Just get to the point, nerd. We don't have all day here, and this is a fucking challenge. What the hell do you want? We're going to fucking die anyway."

"So, um, I, uh," you're blowing it, Deku! I scratch my head. "So, have you ever like...liked a guy? Like, like liked a guy," I say in a low tone so the others don't hear. That's too many 'like's. Meanwhile my face gets hotter, certainly not from the sun though.

His eyes widen, as he lodges his hands deeper into his black pajama pant pockets.

"Seriously? We're going into a deadly fucking challenge and you want to talk about my crushes?!" He whisper yells, sighing, "Jeez, Deku. We get it, you're gay. You want another dude to talk about being gay with. Can't you see the time isn't right?!"
He says in rapid succession, letting out a deep breath.

The others have gone into the forest, me and Kacchan still on the very border, but the literal forest of trees gets denser the more we venture in. Darker, spookier.

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