Flying Animal Sports

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A/N: Hello! I'm back with another chapter which is sadly a bit late due to writer's block and me not having much free time. I sincerely apologise for the wait as this chapter has undergone some really heavy editing and I did not find the first draft satisfactory. I really hope you can all forgive me. As usual, enjoy!

Song For This Chapter: Dionysus - BTS


At The Royal Stables

Streaks of blue and white paint the skies like a beautiful canvas, the sunlight only bringing out their glorious, bright undertones.

The palace gardens put any natural setting in a romance film to shame. The hedges are decorated with flowers of every color of the rainbow and the trees are filled with ripe, red apples on every branch.

Mossy fountains line the walkways traced by hedges, as they spray water up to the sky. The light stone path leads to three large red barn like structures, decorating the area.

Thankfully, I have the Royal Guard to show me around. But why though? What does he want to show me.

"Hey, uh, Toogata? Where are you taking me?" I ask, my head turned to the tall armored man right next to me, as we walk through the undeniably stunning garden.

"To the stables, of course. Where I took the others earlier, basically. I'm gonna introduce you to a friend of mine, he's really cute. He's also shy around new people, but he's going to help you in your challenge, so be nice."

Friend? Cute? Help me in my challenge? How?

We near the big red barn in the center of the three, as he shoots me a smile.

I meanwhile raise my eyebrow, "Help me in the challenge? I don't even know what the challenge is, and now we have add another person?" I ask with an awkward laugh leaving my lips, "great."

Toogata chuckles, his hand on the barn door, fidgeting with the lock in his hands. I can hear sounds in there; barks. Like those of a sea lion. Do they have sea lions? How will they help in a challenge about heavens?

The light shines through the growing divide in the doors as they shoot open, the barks from the inside only getting louder.

My eyes widen and jaw drops as I see it. A large four legged animal with ocean blue fur, short stubby legs and a large, cute head. Sparkles coat it's body and fly around the barn as it's large, droopy blue wings flap up and down. It lets out a small, scared bark as it's big eyes droop. It's long, scaly tail hides between it's two back legs. Two large teeth stick out of it's mouth like a walrus. He's also wearing a brown leather collar around his neck with a large matching saddle.

My hands cup my face, as I gasp, "Oh my god."

"Cute, right?" Toogata smiles at the unknown creature. What even is it? It's like a mix of a dragon, a sea lion and a baby hippo with a pinch of walrus.

"It's adorable!" I almost squeal, my hands on my cheeks. I cautiously yet excitedly take a few steps closer to it, my hand extended to pat it's unusual fur. "It's so soft too!"

"It's a he," Toogata runs his hand along the unknown creature's fur. "His name is Cornelius Montechristo Frederick Hernandez Johnsons Papadopoulos, but you can just call him Fred. He's a sky lion. Pretty rare if you ask me, " he smiles at me, as I lightly sigh in relief.

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