The Garden's Looking More and More Beautiful

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A/N: Hey Guys! I'm back, as you can see. As per usual I hope you all enjoy this chapter as it was really nice writing it and brought me a sense of comfort after periods of mental unrest. Don't be afraid to give constructive criticism and ask any questions you please about the characters/lore! Enjoy!

Songs for this Chapter: Strawberry Blond - Mitski

Still Into You - Paramore

Oniro Mou (Ονειρό μου, translated as 'My Dream') - Yianna Terzi (Γιάννα Τερζή)

Meet me in the garden ASAP. We need to talk


My dried eyes flutter, trying to get back my vision as I probably haven't blinked in a solid minute from sheer surprise. My heart starts palpitating rapidly in my chest; hopefully it doesn't shatter my ribcage. Weight sits at the very bottom of my stomach, swirling around my body like it's a creature trying to break free. Butterflies, you could say.

It's a well known fact at this point that what I'm feeling towards Kacchan isn't something someone should towards their best friend. Totally not platonic by any means. Oh no no no no no.

My trembling hands hold the card in between my shaking, scarred fingers as a squeal leaves the depths of my throat, my body...collapsing onto the bed.

As my back hits the plush plaid blankets, my gaze is averted at the ceiling, a massive smile having painted itself on my lips. What could this mean? Is it news about the Game, a friendly meet up? A possible confession of his feelings towards me?

A long sigh leaves my lips as I move my hands and the letter closer with reddened cheeks, only to reread those words again to make sure they were real.

Wait, I need to meet him outside, don't I? Im such an idiot!

My eyes grow to the size of saucers. I shoot my upper body up from the blankets, now sitting upright in bed. I sling my legs over the side, touch my feet onto the ground and get off from the bed, sprinting towards the half-opened door with labored breaths escaping my dried lips.

Is he still waiting for me?

I'm once again greeted by the light of the hallway, as my dash down the red carpet continues. My feet are stomping so hard on the ground that it could be labeled a natural disaster.

My hand slams onto the stair railing, sliding down as I only go lower and lower down down each stair, each one sending bolts of nervousness through my spine along with an urge to go faster. He did say to get there as soon as possible anyways.

I reach the ground floor, my eyes fixed on the glass door leading to the garden. It's so close, I can almost taste it.

I finally stop in front of the tinted glass, my breath leaving my mouth in heavy heaps. I slouch, holding my knees as I look down. So much for speed, Midoriya. You're somehow sweating and blushing at the same time.

I inhale, try to push my curly hair back, place my hand on the doorknob and turn, allowing the fresh garden breeze take over my body. And the sight of Kacchan sitting at the bench in front of the fountain.

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