Operation 'Kill IcyHot'

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A/N: Hey, I'm back with another chapter. As per usual, enjoy!

Song for this Chapter: Fly - GOT7


"May the od-wait no, copyright...Good luck!"

As those words sound from Toga's red microphone, my grip on Fred's leash tightens, just like the muscles in my chest as I let out unsteady, panicked breaths.

"Are we gonna go to the back with the others, or are we just gonna stay here, nerd?" Kacchan groans, his hands holding the white cloth over the sensitive skin of my waist.

"I-Uh, right," I mumble. I turn around, Freddy walking towards the others with his wings flapping softly in the wind.

If I could describe the gut-wrenching feeling of going into battle like this in one way, it'd definitely be the final steps of a man with the death penalty towards the gurney where he'll be executed by lethal injection.

At this point, I'd rather have the lethal injection.

The small steps of the sky lion send shocks of anxiousness up my body. A subtle reminder of their cruel use for a challenge. Bullets? They shouldn't be animals of warfare.

"Yo, Bakubro, Midoriya!" Kirishima yells from across the field, gesturing for us to come over to him.

My eyebrows raise, seeing him as I hold onto the leash and bring my sky lion closer to the others.

Right, we were supposed to strategize, weren't we. How we were going to take down Todoroki. Operation 'Kill Icyhot'.

But with the two potential Traitors paired with Ashido and Kirishima doesn't give us any room to think of anything to do. A way to finally take at least one of them down.

What has happened to my life? I was just a happy, well-decent teen living a semi-normal life, but now because of my sleepover, I'm plotting to kill my best friend.

He's not your best friend anymore, Midoriya.

"Aight, we know Jiro's at the goal, so she'll be there by the hoops," Kirishima says, looking behind him and pointing at the three large, white rings set upright behind us , as he's the one riding the sky lion, Todoroki right behind him. "Todoroki and I are gonna go to the left, Ashido and Yaoyorozu to the center and and Bakubro and Midoriya to the right. Capiche?"

I simply nod, as Kacchan sighs. His hands clench tighter around my waist, making me let out a worried gasp, "Uh, Kacchan?"

"The hell you want, nerd?" He groans.

Is he worried? Is that why he has his arms delicately placed on my waist? The more I feel the soft skin of his finger pads on the fabric coating my torso, the more I seem to relax, even though my heart is practically aching to burst out of my chest and run around screaming. The fact that the apples of my cheeks are being coated by a strong heat doesn't help at all. It only draws attention to the weird feelings I'm having towards my childhood friend.

"I-uh, um, nothing, I say, facing Kacchan as I scratch the back of my neck. My hands anxiously hold onto the leash as I let out a small breath.

"You got a fever or something? You look like a fuckin' tomato," Kacchan says blankly, his piercing stare sending chills down my spine.
He presses the back of his warm hand to my sweating forehead, making me let out a small, panicked gasp.

Oh, shoot! So I'm red...is that what the heat is? A blush? But why? Don't people blush when they like another person? Like, Jesus Christ, Kacchan, what have you done to me?

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