Misery Inc

529 38 85

A/N: Sorry this chapter is late. Online classes have really been stressing me out these days, and quarantine in general. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! It's quite long...oof. Stay safe!


"I'm in."

Kacchan sighs, giving his hands a loud clap, as if to take me out of a trance. "Okay, if you get framed, it's not my fault."

I touch my finger to my chin. "Hey, if I'm supposed to look out for you, aren't you supposed to do the same for me?" I say, raising my eyebrow.

Something seems fishy about this whole thing. Am I just there to help him win, while I possibly get eliminated? I'm starting to regret agreeing to do this. I mean...to act as the Lawyer as he's the Traitor?

"I never said I wouldn't look out for you. I'm taking a risk here, Deku. I could die. But I'm doing it to protect you."

"Protect me? If you die, I die, remember?This isn't a good idea." I let out a deep breath, "I'm risking my own life here too, you know that, right? How are you sure the others are going to think you're the decoy, or be too scared to eliminate you? You heard what Kirishima said in there earlier. He'll kill the Traitor when he finds out who they. He'll do it, even if we're not in a challenge."

"But you said you were in."

"Yes, I am, but only because I want to protect you," I let out, almost panicked. My heart sure is pounding right now. I exhale, trying to steady my heartbeat. "Either we get back home, or we die, got it?"

"Yeah, I've heard enough of that four eyed bastard's stupid theories. Don't remind me." He scoffs.

The calming sounds of the fountain continue to roam in the air, as the sky gets progressively darker. From a light blue, to light orange, the leaves turning a darker shade. The metallic smell is finally leaving.

"You wanna go inside? It's getting dark," I ask, turning to Kacchan. I've never noticed how well orange pairs with him except now.
His eyes, his hair, his face...

"Just a second. I haven't seen a sun set in months. Besides, I don't want anything to do with those idiots right now, I need something to take the edge off."

"Fair enough, but aren't I annoying?" I chuckle lightly, my stomach filling with knots.

"Very. But you're not crying right now, and I don't want to break down in front of all of them."

"Oh," I mutter, as I focus my gaze on his, only to see that his shining in the sunlight crimson eyes are getting wetter, glossier. Is he going to cry?

I hear a faint sniff come towards him, as his eyes get glossier and glossier...a round, salty tear leaving his eye.

"Oh my god," I mutter under my breath, my heart stuttering and knots continuing to build in my stomach and throat. "Let it out, Kacchan. It's okay," I say in a soothing tone. Part of me wants to do this to him more often, shelter him from harm.

"No, it's not. I just...need to stop being weak, okay?" He says, his voice cracking as more tears stream down his prettily red cheeks.

My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach, my body starting to tremble. My eyes are fixed on his eyes, the ones that shouldn't be filled with tears, even though he isn't the nicest person there is.

My hand shakes, moving upwards to his red face. My fingers flinch as they touch the delicate skin of his wet cheek, my hand cupping his cheek and my eyes gazing into his. It's so soft, fragile. A warm welcoming touch against my palm. I whisper to him sympathetically, as I wipe off his tears with my thumb, "You aren't weak, you're mourning. It's okay to cr-"

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