Preparations and Ceremonies

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A/N: Hey guys! I really hope you're enjoying this story so far! I thought I'd write it during quarantine. Tis the season, I guess! This is kind of a big chapter.


"Well, you're competing in the Game of
Traitors, of course"

I look over at Todoroki, and then back at Shigaraki, our mouths slightly open and eyebrows raised. This guy can't be serious, can he? It's like I've been smacked across the face, and left to fall down like a weak little fish, squirming on the floor.

"I-i, uh, um" I stammer. "W-what do you mean?"

"I mean you'll be competing, Midoriya. What's not to understand about that?" Shigaraki says blankly, looking down at me and Todoroki with an empty, lifeless smile. At least, that's what I see through his strange, pale hand mask. "Look, no more chit chat. It's time for your Role Ceremony" his lips curl upwards into a smile.

"Role Ceremony?" Me and Todoroki ask at the same time.

"Yes, you signed up for the Game of Traitors, didn't you?"

I mean, I did, didn't I? We all did. But we didn't know it'd land us in the middle of freaking nowhere! And what is this Role Ceremony? It has the word 'role' in it. Todoroki just looks down at the ground, playing with some pebbles, frowning. "Yes" he mutters. He isn't even looking up at him.

"Get up and let me explain properly" he mutters, crossing his arms. Weakly, I get up, though I'm still limping quite a lot. I see Todoroki is facing the same thing. Shigaraki gets in between us, wrapping both of his actual arms around our shoulders, making me flinch, as he pulls us closer to him. Does this man think we're bros? Oh god, his breath reeks of cabbage. "You, and the rest of those bratty backyardigans are playing the Game of Traitors, correct?" He says in a low tone, yet his breath is still horrendous.

"Yes" me and Todoroki utter nervously, breathing through our mouths, our bodies stiffening.

He tightens his grasp around our shoulders, or rather, our necks. I'm having a hard time breathing, like I can barely let out a puff of air. "And you haven't gotten your roles yet, correct?" He murmurs close to us, his tone showing he was clearly annoyed with us.

"No, we haven't" Todoroki lets out, his voice croaking at the lack of breath. I simply shake my head no.

Shigaraki sighs and loosens his grip around our necks. I inhale deeply, finally being able to take a breath, my airways unblocking. Todoroki is panting softly. I feel I can stand up normally now, but he won't let us go. "I don't get paid enough for this" Shigaraki mutters under his breath, clearly pissed.

He's walking, but it's like he's dragging us around. I want to leave, but I can't, he seems to know where the hell were going. "And that's what a Role Ceremony is for, idiots, you figure out what your role is in the game. I actually expected you to get that sooner" Shigaraki sighs.

Oh, so that's what that is.

We continue to walk, the concrete letting out harsh sounds of pebbles. What's that? I swear I can see something like a small beam of yellow light in the distance. "Where are the others?" Todoroki asks, and rightfully so. I frown, eyes trained on the light in the distance, and potential shelter.

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