The Curious Case of His Royal Majesty

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A/N: Hello guys! I'm back. There's a chance this chapter comes out a bit later than usual because I have to fly across the country for my spanish B1 exam in about a week. As per usual, I hope you all enjoy and feel free to comment, ask questions, theorize or give me constructive criticism.

Song For This Chapter: Kashmir – Led Zeppelin

My sides ache, my ribs burn and my teeth grit as I squirm around in my bed, clutching my torso and wince in pain. Shocks of ache continue to shoot through my body with the power of a hundred missiles. Thank God I finally managed to put my tears aside...for now. Not actually seeing Yaoyorozu's decaying, damp corpse makes my heart churn a lot less than seeing it.

I sigh, taking a deep, croaky breath as I move my elbow to help myself sit up. My lips letting out unsteady breaths, my eyes turning to face the half empty bottle of red serum. I think I'm going to have to ask Hado for some more.

A light knock raps at the door, my eyes shooting open in alarm. Who can it be at this hour? I know for a fact it isn't Kacchan...for well—obvious reasons.

Ever since the challenge, my mind has been flooded with a thick fog. How did the dagger I was holding get out of my swim trunks? Was somebody stole it or did it shoot out of my pocket from sheer force? Why did me and Kacchan almost kiss? Who ended up meeting the king, since Yaoyurozu's dead?

I let out an exasperated breath and weakly fling my hand forwards to grab the bottle of healing serum from it's stem.

The knocking sounds again, as I press my lips to the opening of the bottle. I'm honestly too lazy to even put it in a glass.

"Hello? Can I come in?" I hear a familiar nasal voice. Monoma? What's he doing outside my door?

Disconnecting my lips from the bottle, I let out a gasp for air. "Come in," I say, and the door opens with a slight creak as I continue to chug as much serum as I can.

"Oh look, little year 21's all jacked up. I'm telling you, when I was in the game, I had nothing but bandages and a freaking tourniquet to help myself. I don't get why Toga's babying everybody." He sighs. He shuts the door behind me and takes a deep breath, "Enough about me. How did you completely screw up during this challenge?" He snorts, standing in front of my bed with his arms crossed.

"I did not screw up, I was just caught up into some...unfortunate circumstances." I take a deep breath, placing the bottle back atop the bedside table. I begin to fidget with the skin on my arms, looking away.  "Are you here for something important? Please don't tell me you need any of this serum, because this was the last bottle Hado has in storage and I—"

"Jesus Christ, everyone from your game is so damn chatty." Monoma sighs, patting a part of the bed and sits down across from me, making the mattress sink lightly

My eyes widen. "Everyone?"

"God, yes. That Bakugo character's a real prick. I can't believe you two are so close. You couldn't have picked that pink haired chick? She's got—assets, you know?" Monoma chuckles lightly, pointing at his chest with a smirk.

My eyes widen and my hand moves up to scratch the back of my head. "First of all, I'm gay."

"And I'm bi. Your point is?"

"Okay...what exactly do you have against Kacchan?"

"He's got an attitude, what can I say?"

My hand moves down to scratch the nape of my neck. "Well, it's understandable, don't you think? I thought that maybe you'd understand how I feel."

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