Royal Palaces and Returns

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A/N: Hi guys! I'm so sorry this chapter is late! I had my German B2 level exam which I had to study for, but I'm back. As per usual, enjoy this chapter!

Song for this Chapter: Tomorrow - BTS


"Our esteemed viewers! I am proud to announce this game's fourth elimination, Yaoyurozu Momo!"

Yaoyurozu's muddy, weak body laid lifelessly on the ground, and that was the moment Iida's statue finally unhanded me, releasing me from it's painful clutches.

Kaminari lets go of Jiro, a nonchalant look written on his face as Jiro's eyes dart around the bloodied forest, at Yaoyurozu and back at him.

"Are you fucking happy now!" Jiro bellows, tears shooting out of her eyes like bullets from a gun, "Is this what you fucking wanted?! To see us all dead, to suffer! I thought you of all people wouldn't!"

I take a deep breath, a strong lump clogging my throat, rendering me unable to swallow...yet again, my throat is dry, sore. Wetness coats the surface of my eyes as guilt drags me down by my stomach like a large ball and chain.

It's all my fault.

I try to get up, my legs trembling as I do so, making me collapse to the ground like the weakling I am.

If you were stronger, you'd be able to save her. If you weren't so dumb, so obsessed with popularity, they'd all be alive.

A tear streams down my face, as I glance over at Todoroki. His hands grip onto the mud. He drags his muddy, bloodied leg across it, gritting his teeth and letting out soft whimpers.

He winces, his eyes glossy with tears. He crawls on the ground towards Yaoyurozu's dead body. He weakly raises his sullied hands, tucking a strand of it behind her ear.

I can't help but let out another sob. This, seeing my own friend crawling to the one who got strangled in front of us...not being able to help her because I was too weak.

Todoroki's hands cup Yaoyurozu's face, as he looks down onto her, his eyes almost shut. A salty tear falls out, landing on Yaoyurozu's face, which is getting paler and paler by the second. "You're going-to be be okay, angel," he whispers to her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. His voice comes out croaky, as he breaks down into more sobbing. He wails, his head buried in her neck.

The statues...they went away now. Back to their podiums, perhaps.

"Attention everybody! Ashido Mina has reached the palace gates! We have a winner! The others shall head back to the palace with her! A whole new adventure awaits!"

Jiro lets out a loud puff, her eyes red as she sighs, "Come on, let's g-"

"No!" Todoroki yells, as his eyes widen. His arms are latched around Yaoyurozu's limp body, holding her close.

"Todoroki, please. She's dead."

"Just, let me have a moment with her-please?"

I let out a deep breath, as I try to get up, using my arms to pick me up. Where's Kacchan and Kirishima? I know Ashido is at the palace...maybe the other followed along? Are they alright?

I finally manage to raise my upper body, like I'm doing an extremely tenuous push up. I grit my teeth, as my grip on the muddy ground tightens.

When will this pain be over? When can I go home? Mommy?

My eyes shut as I wince in pain. However, a light pries my eyes open like a crowbar, entering my eyes like a yellow sunbeam, robbing me of the only sense I feel hasn't dissapeared from me completely. I weakly attempt to open my eyes wider. From what I can see...the's not normal.

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