Return to Semi-Normality

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A/N: Hello again! I am back after quite some time. School has been getting hectic as expected and my mental health has officially taken a downwards spiral. There seems to be a pattern of me releasing chapters later than usual, but I apologise as I simply do not have a lot of free time anymore. As always, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Song For This Chapter: Toxicity – System of a Down


"Ladies, gentlemen and Gender non-conforming individuals! The twenty first ever Game of Traitors Halftime show is sadly coming to a close! All our competitors, please gather up at the Grand Hall for a final hurrah!"

I let out a long sigh, my eyes narrowing as my vision becomes blurred and a long yawn leaves my lips. My heart slows down, yet it still pounds loud enough for me to hear.

"You gotta go now," Monoma says blankly, his eyes trained on Tamaki who's lulling the bloodied Princess Eri to sleep.

Before I could lift my gaze from the hardwood floor, a click sounds through the room, sending bolts of panic slithering through my veins like a venomous snake.

"Shit, Hide!" Monoma whisper yells, his eyes widened as his eyes avert from the Princess.

Tamaki sighs, looking hopelessly at the floor as his hands card through Eri's white hair, "It's Hado. She brought her medical supplies," he says.

"How do you know it isn't Toga?" I mumble, my breathing unstable.

"It's not Toga," I hear behind me, jumping up in shock and turning towards the door, only to see Hado, her long red gown and a large medical kit.

"Damn it, Hado, you scared the crap out of me!" Monoma bites the inside of his cheek. "Where the hell were you?"

"Todoroki and Kirishima needed me for something. I'm sorry," Hado rushes to the couch, sitting next to Tamaki and placing the white luggage–like storage on her lap, unclasping it.

"All competitors, please gather at the main hall immediately! We don't want to leave our guests waiting, do we?!" Toga's voice fills the room with a hint of nervousness and a lot of irritation. She then mutters under her breath in a whisper, "Damn it and I'm gonna miss Law and Order too."

I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. Instead of walking out, I'm stuck staring at Hado who's digging through her white medical kit and frantically searching for her supplies.

"Go, you don't wanna be late." Hado says.

"But what about the Princess?" I scratch the back of my head. "Shouldn't I at least stay lookout or something?"

The last thing I want to do is go outside and see Toga again; or run into Kacchan after that encounter. I still remember the words he said... but what did he mean? Does he actually reciprocate my feelings?

Hado makes a 'tsk' sound as her eyes narrow at me, pulling out a bandage.  Tamaki meanwhile shakes the princess softly, making her sit up with a groan and a clearer view of her crimson stomach. "Monoma will stay lookout along with his fiance who's coming shortly. You go to the main hall, okay?"

I nod, fidgeting with the sleeve of my black blazer and looking down, nervousness settling in the pit of my stomach as I just can't bring myself to step out of that door. "Tell me when her Royal Highness is feeling better, okay?" I say hopelessly.

Hado bites her lip, "of course."

I head towards the door, place my trembling hand on the golden doorknob and turn, pulling the door and allowing the golden chandelier light from the hallways engulf my sight, along with my untamable panic.

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