The Great Plan And The Great Date

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A/N: Another chapter of Game Of Traitors coming right up! The story is nearing it's end in what I'd consider 3-4 chapters, but take this with a grain of salt, hehehe! As always, make sure to enjoy this new installment!

Song for this Chapter: Survive - Divide Music


My heart grows more and more unsettled at the glowing red numbers on my wrist. Is it just me, or is their glow a lot more vibrant today than yesterday?

The breakfast banquet table at eight in the morning—much to Kacchan's and all of our dismay—is filled with nothing but the faint sounds of silverware tapping and occasionally scratching against fine china.

My head is propped up on my left hand and my left elbow is on the table. My right hand holds a fork with which I pick up a sad, limp piece of a depressingly delicious omelette. This timer leaves my stomach rejecting any food at this point.

Kacchan's sitting to my right as he also silently dips a slice of freshly baked, fluffy white bread into a vibrant, orange egg yolk and eats it.

Kirishima sighs at accidentally putting too much maple syrup on his pancake, yet proceeds to cut a piece of it with his fork.

Ashido's placed her utensils down entirely, her dark eyes focused on her breakfast plate. Just...three strips of bacon.

Toga clears her throat loud enough to draw out attention over to her. She's standing up and with her signature mischievous smile, she holds up a wine glass filled with what I assume is sour cherry juice. She takes an unused teaspoon, tapping the glass with it.

The clinking noise from it is accompanied by a giggle. "Guys. Cheer up. Just remember that this is you guys' last trial! Then...the winner will be decided! Aren't you guys excited!" She trembles in glee, eyes squinted shut and cherry juice accidentally splashing onto her plate.

Kacchan glances at Toga and then looks away.

Kirishima sighs, mumbling. "Toga. Who the hell would be excited about dying?" Every hint of fight has drained from his voice, replaced with hopelessness.

"You guys!" Toga fake pouts. "None of you liked our times together? In fact...I consider you some of my best friends!"

Ashido's fork slams down onto the table, bouncing off and meeting the floor besides her chair as her fists then thrust downwards onto it. Kirishima launches his hands forward to catch his glass of orange juice so it doesn't fall."Best friends dont force each other to kill, Toga!" She hisses.

Toga makes a 'tsk' sound as she shakes her head, smiling. "That's how it is where I grew up—anyway!" She sets down her glass and spoon and immediately begins to rummage through her pockets, specifically the ones in her schoolgirl skirt.

My eyebrows furrow, eyes following her hands as they travel down into her skirt and pull out a card. A familiar kind of card.

She takes a deep breath. "I told you guys already...what kind of challenge you're going to be facing. As a gift to all of my best friends here, I'll reread the challenge and then tell you what it's going to be about. You're all lucky I'm giving you a headstart as to how to plan your survival," she turns to Ashido, snootily. "That's what friends do, after all."

Kacchan sets down his utensils and crosses his arms on his chest. I lift up my head from my palm to listen.

"Beloved Competitors,

Nearing the end of your timer, you will take part in your last challenge! Either you'll get eliminated when the timer runs out! Or you'll eliminate the Traitor yourselves! How Exciting! As usual, one person gets eliminated each time, but this time...It may be more than one...So make sure you play correctly according to your rules!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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