Take Out The Gunmen

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A/N: I'm back, I guess. Online classes have been such a hassle. Sorry this chapter is late!

Song choices for this chapter:
'Take Out The Gunman'- Chevelle
'Pictures'- System of a Down

Most importantly, enjoy!


"On your marks...get set, go! The challenge has begun! Don't forget, if you're out of the game, you stay in the arena!"

Toga's voice sounds all around the garden, echoing in my mind. It's as if there are megaphones everywhere. Like there's an automated system in place. Her spectating and commenting is just gonna get in the way of any strategy and my thoughts. But this is televised...and anything she could say can expose our strategies. Maybe her reactions are only for

"Okay, what do we do?" Jiro asks, her hands tightly grasping around the handle of her purple ball gun, her eyes determined, hungry for victory.

"I say two of us stay here and three go get the flag," Uraraka says, adjusting her beret, fulling her gun with the red foam balls and looking off into the distance.

One can really look over the nicely trimmed hedges by tiptoeing, and that still wouldn't be enough to see a whole head. Other than that, it's just a giant maze, lined with flowers and anticipation.

"Good luck with getting this bunch of losers to do anything. They've probably already shat their pants," Kacchan scoffs, loading his gun, stretching.

"How about you go out then, Bakugo? If you're so brave, hmm?" Jiro says sarcastically, avoiding to look at him, though if she did, she'd be glaring.

"Guys, we need to move fast, what if the others already found a strategy?" I ask, pacing our part of the garden, looking. I can't hear footsteps yet, at least.

"Midoriya, buddy, you need to chill. I mean, we got this in the bag. Do you really think those guys 've got a plan?" Kaminari snakes his arm over my shoulders, as to say chill out, bro. "Anyway, if we win or not, it doesn't mean we'll really lose much. We all agreed not to kill anyone."

I slowly push him away. "No, but they have Kirishima, and Todoroki, and Yaoyurozu! It's like they put all the good people on one team and the weak ones on the other. Just like gym class! You didn't sleep on the floor last night. Ow, my back," I say, as I then wince, placing my hand behind my back.

"Hey, I'm right here." Uraraka speaks up, walking towards an opening in the hedges, towards the far left, as she peers into the small pathway lined with green. "Tell you what, you me and Kaminari go for the flag, and Jiro and Bakugo could stay here and guard. How does that sound?"

My eyes turn to Kacchan, focused. I need to remember what Hawks said. Stay together. He did also say not to be too obvious...What do I do now?

"Are you sure Pikachu has the balls?" Kacchan scoffs, loading his gun.

Me, him, Uraraka and Jiro have the same one, yet
Kaminari's is a bit different in terms of design. It's still fat, in order to fit the balls, but it looks longer, and has a bigger trigger. The whole gun blue.

"You don't think I'm man enough Bakugo?" He asks, following behind Uraraka, whose eyes are focused down the pathway.

My worried eyes stay on Kacchan. "Hey, Kaminari could stay here with Jiro, and me and Kacchan could go out there," I say, scratching the back of my head. "Just a suggestion."

Jiro looks at both me and Kacchan, then down at her gun. She takes a deep breath. "I agree, there's no getting along with that guy. And he and Midoriya share quite the bond," she mutters.

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