S&M's Aquatic Adventure

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A/N: Sup guys! I'm back, and hopefully when this chapter's out I won't have gotten into yet another writing slump. As per usual, enjoy!

Song For This Chapter: Bouno - iLLEOo (Βουνό, Greek translation for 'Mountain'. I picked this song not because of the lyrics, but the beat)

"In order to win, our to teams are to swim through this aquatic maze, find the key and return it to our guest star for today, His Royal Majesty, King Chisaki Kai of our beloved nation! How lucky we are to have him! Watch out for the Traitor though! They're out for blood!"

The image of the golden key vanishes from in front of me and Todoroki, as we glance at each other in confusion. My stomach churns at the thought that he probably understands that I've been trying to take him down ever since the deathmatch. Hopefully, he trusts me at least a little bit because of our talk in the infirmary. The question still remains unanswered...did he stab himself or not?

"This challenge, ladies and gentlemen, the competitors will be all by themselves! My announcements about whats to come ahead won't be helping then-because spoiler-they're all alone now! They'll only know if somebody else got the key, or -you guessed it- got eliminated!Don't you worry, my spectation will be available only to your television screens, but our sea pals are all by themselves! This challenge's winner gets a private visit from his Majesty! Good luck!"

By ourselves? What does that mean?

Hints of dull, yellow light litter the rocky caves covered in vibrant, colorful corals. The only sounds in the cave so far of those of random bubbles floating in the water, and the clashing of seaweed and algae.

My eyes stay on Todoroki and how his split colored hair floats when underwater. He looks at me, his different colored eyes expressing uncertainty, only to then nod at me. "I think we should swim," he says blankly.

I softly nod, adjusting the waistband of my swim trunks as I inhale. "Tha-that's a good idea." The feeling of water that clogged my nostrils and throat is replaced with that of oxygen...is this how aquatic animals feel? Able to breathe underwater?

I kick softly behind me, my hands swaying in the water to thrust me forward, deeper into the dimly lit cave. I bury the lead, my eyes widened curiously, as they dart around the grey rocks. So far, the cave is relatively empty. No scary creatures to be seen. This is too easy.

"I think we have to turn left," Todoroki mumbles as we're faced with a wall.

I glance to the left, seeing as the space in front of me is replaced by a wall of stone. I then turn to the right.

Huh? What's that red thing?

A medium sized, plush looking mass of red and yellow catch my eye. Four small yellow flaps gather at the top, making the foreign object look more like a pomegranate than a plant. Well, a red, spotted pomegranate.

"Wait; There's something here," I say, my eyes trained on the object. My progressively wrinkly hands move up to the flaps.

"Midoriya, I don't think you should touch that." Todoroki scratches the back of his head, his back turned to me and the pomegranate-thing.

"They told us to find the key. What if it's in here? Also, how would the Traitor....you know? There could be a weapon or something in here!"

Wait, if there's a weapon, I can use it to take him out. This whole thing will be over!

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