Infirmaries, Information and Insanity

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A/N: Hello my lovely readers, to what's now the 14th chapter of this story. Honestly, I never thought I'd get this far. I thought I'd just give up on this from all the headache it causes me at night but doing this is still fun. As always, enjoy!

Song for this Chapter: School of Tears – BTS


"I'm telling you, Hawks! She had blood on
her shoes!" I yell, pacing Hawks's styling room, my hands in my now sweaty curly hair, my eyes wide. Thankfully I changed out of that now bloody armor into some comfortable green loungewear.

Hawks takes a swig of his whiskey, his eyes closed to relish the taste. He exhales, "You sure it was blood? You can't just be throwing those accusations around with no proof."

"Yes! I know how blood looks like! I mean, Kaminari...the dead kittens on my driveway... Todoroki's leg," I fidget with my fingers, my teeth gritted nervously.

"And you're sure Jiro did it?"


Hawks stands up, leaving his crystal glass on the wooden coffee table. He flaps his red wings, and a large gush of wind comes my way, making me scrunch my nose and shut my eyes.

"Well," he claps his hands, catching my attention. "If Jiro was the one who killed Iida, why would she stab Todoroki? Why was Todoroki even in that room?"

"I don't know!" My voice cracks, as I stressfully tug my hair. I sigh, "Has anything like this ever happened to you, Hawks?"

"Well, in my Game, not really. It was pretty tame as usual...compared to seasons one and ten. All I know, is that your Game is pretty tame as well.

I scratch my head, sitting down on Hawks's styling chair. It's comfortable, what can I say. "What happened in those seasons?"

Hawks takes a deep breath, "Well, from what I remember, in the first Game the Traitor actually found a 'Glitch in the matrix' to call it and she escaped the temple in the middle of the game back to her home town. They call her the Grand Traitor. Nobody knows where she is now."

My eyes widen, fixed on Hawks's relaxed state, "Do you know how? What was her name?"

"I don't really know, to tell you the truth. To continue, in Game ten, you know the winner, that Monoma kid. That year, the Game planner made it so when the Baker got eliminated, instead of there only being a few days left to kill the Traitor, they made it so there's no more food for the remainder of the Game," he stops a bit to catch his breath.  "Well...when the Baker was the first to die that Game...almost if not all the competitors resorted to eating anything and I mean anything. Grass, paper, each other. That's why they call it Kamikaze, because being part of that Game was a suicide mission regardless of your role. That's how Monoma won."

I cup my mouth with my hands, eyes wide, "He killed himself?"

Hawks shakes his head, "No, he got eaten by another competitor; how most of them died basically." He takes another deep breath, downing his whiskey and placing the glass back on the coffee table, "And I'm rambling."

"No no, it's okay," I chuckle nervously.

"Point is, I don't really have any experience with the really 'insane' parts of this. My season was like most of the others, calm and with no real snafu's. What you did with Bakugo out there in that arena was pure genius. However you're lucky somebody got eliminated, or else people would've gotten suspicious. Probably the highlight of the Game."

"Yeah, thank you," I play a bit with my fingers. I take a deep breath, "Well, me and Kacchan have been getting along a bit better. That's kind of how we pulled that off."

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