Inside Missions and Love Whisperers

357 27 43

A/N: Hey guys! I'm back...again... As per usual, enjoy! Sorry for the Delay, I've been really busy these days!

Song for this Chapter: I Really Like You - Carly Rae Jepsen

Through the windows covered by red curtains enters the sound of chirping birds. I'm enveloped in plush white blankets and my vision is blurry as I'm awakened.

Saliva with the taste of my horrid morning breath pools in my mouth, my eyes narrowed at the sunlight bleeding through the unbelievably thin curtains.

My numb hands move up to my face, rubbing the sleep out of my green eyes. I shift to my right, letting out a deep breath. I don't want to get up.

Especially since uh, well...Kacchan is in my bed. Wait-Kacchan is in my bed? Oh, right...the dream.

Scenes of my nightmare replay in my head...his rotting, decaying flesh and muscles, the confession. Blood rushes to my cheeks at the memory of the roses and to my heart as well, as it's pumped through my whole body.

When he curled up to sleep next to me last night, my sleep became as normal as ever. No dreams whatsoever. That's good, right? Progress.

My chest moves up and down, my heart thumping, my eyes fixed on the hint of drool on Kacchan's pink, pillowy lip.

Could I just...touch it?

Any thought I had of wiping off the hint of saliva vanishes, as Kacchan shifts and lets out possibly the cutest yawn I've ever heard.

The bright light finds itself on his now glowing face, and so does Kacchan's hand as it inches upwards to block the sunlight from getting into his eyes. The other hand...softly placed around my waist as

His mouth opens wide as he lets out another yawn. He swallows down a hefty bit of saliva, his hands moving away to reveal the drowsy crimson underneath his eyelids. "Ugh," he grunts.

"Goo-Good morning, Kacchan," I say in a low tone, trying not to startle him too much. I know my heart is. It's about to leap out of my chest.

"Mornin' Deku," he groans, his eyes immediately widening in what seems to be shock. He glances at the blankets nervously. "Deku? Wait, we didn't fuck, did we? Shit," he says worried.

I let out an anxious chuckle, sitting up and scratching the back of my head, yawning and supporting myself on my right elbow as I face him. My heartbeat is speeding up and my blood rushes to my face. My teeth grit nervously, my eyebrows raised. He can't possibly think know? I wasn't even drunk, or in a relationship with him for that matter. "H-Huh? Of course not! Why would we do that? I mean, it's not like we're together or any-"

"Shut up, it was just a joke," Kacchan grumbles, tossing the blanket away from his body, sitting up...He lets out a long sigh, glancing over at me with a weary grin, his head tilted. "You don't still feel like shit, do you?"

"Come again?" I raise my eyebrow, yawning.

Kacchan sighs, "Do you feel better from last night? You know...that weird ass nightmare?"

"Oh! Oh, uh, well I kinda dosed off there for a sec. Yes, I'm okay. Thank you for-you know, sleeping with me-Gosh, that sounded wrong, oh God, why did I say that? I mean, you...may be into guys, but that doesn't mean you'd be into me, I a hand-"

Before I could finish my rapid sentence, which would just be perceived as gibberish at this point, a soft touch meets my considerably thin lips, making my eyes widen and hands raise in alarm. The touch of Kacchan's index finger. My cheeks are met with a fierce heat. My lips part softly with a light gasp and a lump forms in my throat.

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