Fallacies Brought Upon by a Friend

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A/N: Hey everyone! I'm back! We're nearing the end of this story and...oh boy has it been a rollercoaster! I really hope you guys enjoy these final chapters!

Song for this Chapter:
Марш – IC3PEAK

Even if the timer is silent, the phantom ticking ringing in my head brings me a headache even more earsplitting than the one I had a few hours ago while crying at Hawks' styling room.


The realization that he'll stay behind here as I'll probably go back home and  see my mother and the dread accompanying it overshadows the euphoria that should be coursing through my veins at the moment.

To add to that... Todoroki's death hit me much like a speeding truck in a highway. Rapidly and without a heads up. Oh, who am I kidding? I knew that he'd end up a target at some point. My own boyfriend even thought he was the Traitor and for some time...I did too.

The note. How does one explain the note? If he'd planned this out in advance, wouldn't he have a more detailed note handy? One that says more than just a plain "I'm sorry." He may not have talked a lot around us, but usually those types of people are better at expressing themselves through writing. So even in the written word...just a plain "I'm sorry?" I can't help but think that's fishy.


I'm snapped out of my thoughts, as a yelling voice in the distance fills my ears. I came out to sit in the park for some peace and quiet before I die, to reflect on my choices...not to hear such noise.

To my surprise, it isn't Kacchan this time. It's Kirishima's voice, accompanied by a strong, agonizing thrust of pain to my left shoulder, making a loud wince leave my mouth. Shutting my eyes, the sound of footsteps gets closer to me and louder. I rub my shoulder, sucking in air through my teeth as I hesitantly open my eyes. Poor Kacchan.

"You okay man?" Kirishima says breathily, his red spiky hair damp with sweat. I look up at him, seeing his concerned look, before I gently inhale.

"Uh, I'm fine. It...stings but I won't die from it," I chuckle nervously. Well, if I'm lucky, I'll die in forty three hours and forty three minutes from now.

Kirishima bites his lip. "Uh, my ball fell somewhere nearby... nevermind," he wipes off his soaked forehead, placing his hands behind his back.

"Where did you even get a ball?" I chuckle nervously.

"Well uh, I found it stuck up on a tree here in the gardens. Pretty creepy...It seemed kinda old. Yeah, uh...I was playing with Bakugo earlier. He went to take a shower."

I bite the inside of my cheek, placing my hands on my lap and holding them nervously and fidgeting with my fingers. My gaze is averted from him. "Kirishima?" My heart skips a beat, asking grimly.

"Yeah dude? What's up?" Kirishima asks.

"How can you be so...cheerful? We're literally going to die in less than two days," I huff. How can he keep his happy demeanor and even play with a ball while he's at it.

Kirishima lets out an awkward chuckle, reaching to scratch the back of his neck as he approaches my bench and takes a seat to my left, where the spot was free.

He stretches his arms and sighs, "Dude, I wish I knew what to tell you but honestly man...I'm not vibing. At all. At this point I just wanna make amends with everyone I know and make sure I don't...feel guilty beyond the grave or somethin'."

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