Graveyard Shift

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A/N: Hey everyone! I'm back from my unfortunate, almost two year-long hiatus from writing! I'm not gonna sit here and give everyone a backstory as to my absence until the end of this chapter. Just know for now that the final chapters of Game Of Traitors are in the works, so this story will finally reach its long awaited resolution!

Song for this Chapter: Pretend The World Has Ended – She Wants Revenge


I almost forgot to look at my wrist timer, the more time passes as I talk to Kirishima. The more we share, the more I regret not talking to him during the Game Of Traitors.

A weird, unsettling feeling pools in my stomach at that realization. How many friendships could've been saved, had I just believed everyone when they'd silently say they were human?

That's the thing...the Game isolates its players from one another. It's a part of the spectacle. At first, everyone is connected and the camaraderie is definitely there. Everyone swoons over their potential "ships", the chemistry. There's no death. Yet.

After a few trials, you start to mistrust even your own senses. Anyone and everyone can be your enemy. Misplace your trust and soon enough you'll meet the same fate as everyone else before you. You'll become one of those statues in the Garden the next players will run through.

Kirishima runs his hands through his red, ungelled hair, his spiky teeth gritting in a tired smile. "Man, you're pretty cool. Sorry I've never told you that," he says.

I chuckle. "No problem. Better late than never, right?"

"You're the one who said we were gonna get out of here. So none of that 'late' stuff, okay?"

I nod somewhat awkwardly. At this point, Kirishima and I are sitting on his bed and the time is 12:03AM. The lack of Windows in the octagonal room doesn't help with keeping track of time. Only the circular clock on the wall and our wrist timers do.

Kirishima takes a long, deep yawn. "Oh, boy," his eyes shut tight, then open. "I don't know about you, man, but I need to get some serious shut eye."

I nod in agreement, slowly getting off of Kirishima's bed and heading towards my own nearby.

The moment I do so, the door opens and I'm greeted by Kacchan. A quite sweaty Kacchan with disheveled hair. Even with his hair all messed up, he's adorable.

Kacchan's eyes narrow at me and Kirishima. "Are you guys up to something?" He says suspiciously as I chuckle.

"No, no," I show my palms to Kacchan reassuringly who only hums in response. "We were just talking about what we were gonna do when we got out and stuff."

Kacchan nods, coming closer to me. Without a word, my torso is covered by a comforting warmth. Kacchan's chest on my arm and his chin on my shoulder. I smile, body tingling at the slight tickle.

Kirishima's lips flatten into a thin line, their corners turning upwards faintly the second Kacchan's lips meet my cheek and I let out an admittedly girlish giggle. Then, Kacchan kisses my ear.

"I'd uh, tell you guys to get a room, but it's not quite possible," Kirishima chuckles.

"Jealous?" Kacchan says while holding onto me closer.

Kirishima shakes his head. "No, mostly just lonely," he jokes as I smile reassuringly.

Kacchan lets go of me after a few seconds and with a sigh, he walks over to his ready-made bed. "Not gonna sit here and wait for Pinky to show up," he says. "I'm going to sleep. If you wake me up, consider that the last time you'll ever do so."

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