System crash ( chapter-33 )

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After two days , In Mechamato's space station , In repairing room of power spheres ,

" Finally ! I figured it out ."- Amato looked at huge holographic screen .

" What do mean Admiral ?"- a cadet

" I mean , after all this time , I finally figured it out , how to remove this unknown virus inside ochobot ."- Amato holds ochobot , attached it with some wires and put it inside a different machine . Ochobot is still not working and shutdown . " Whoever created this unknown virus is smarter than I thought ."

" So ... how you gonna do it, Admiral Mechamato ?"- another cadet while typing the data of ochobot's functions in a holographic screen .

" I understood that this virus is not going to be removed by any antivirus software so the only way to remove this virus is to remove ochobot's full marotium system and put a new main functions inside it . "- Amato explained to those cadets .

" Go and Navigate to the Processes tabs, check each running process listed in the Functionality data ." - Amato ordered those cadets . "Once you find the running virus-related process, you should click it and insert the new end function of marotium system to stop it from infecting ochobot ."

" Yes Admiral !."- All cadets .

Those cadets started doing the things which Admiral Amato told them , but after some minutes , all holographic screens and machines inside the room started glitching . Ochobot automatically came out of the machine by breaking those wires which are attached to it . But Ochobot is glitching too much .

One cadet immediately spoken " Admiral Mechamato ! Malware set of virus is started to load automatically as we entered the new system . We tried to stop this virus from running, but it's not working and because of this ,our whole system started glitching .

" Oh my .... This virus is started entering inside space Station's whole system automatically ."- Another two cadets .

" Oh no ! Shut down all the connections and systems of ochobot and this space station systems Immediately !"- Admiral Amato immediately ordered those cadets and contact to the control room and ordered them to stop all systems of there space station immediately .

After 20 minutes , In the main Deck of the space station ,

" Finally !"- Amato's wife sitting while typing "The whole system started again safely ."

" Hopefully ! That virus didn't caused any damage to our systems ."- A cadet while typing and watching the whole systems in a holographic screen .

" But what exactly was that ?"- Boboiboy and Sanaya superisedly

" Yes ! How did that virus started spreading inside the space station's system ?"- Another cadet

" Hmm..... It seems kinda weird virus . I think it started spreading because we tired to remove the main Functionality of ochobot's data and that time , ochobot was connected with our systems . "- Admiral Amato still thinking ." It was totally unexpected !"

" Wait a second ! Did you just said , you tired to remove the main Functionality of marotium system inside ochobot for removing that virus ?"- Amato's wife superisedly .

" Yes ! Because that's the only way I found to remove that virus from ochobot but it didn't worked ."- Amato is still thinking

" Do you even have any idea ,what would happen if that process got completed ?"- Amato's wife superisedly

" Of course , I know ! If that process would be completed then ochobot's whole data systems will be reset ."- Amato replied and take a glance at boboiboy ." But after that , there's no chance , ochobot will going to remember anything ."

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