Game of Trust ( Chapter-46)

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When all Space ships of pirates and IPSSS are still Fighting ,Now far away from IPSSS space station ,

" Heros and Villains both thrives on Violence . But we're still catagorized . You're Good , You're Evil . That's how it is ! Symbol of peace ? Hah ! In the end you're just a tool for Violence , made to keep us down . Violence Only Breeds more violence ! - Lisa smirked and Said gladly . " All the liabilities are due to the inadequacies of the person involved !"

" They all are playing my Game Now ! "

" Lisa ! please Stop ! "- Liina said with a low voice from the transmission . " I don't think it's a Right thing to kill them , It's ...... It's wrong !"

" If anyone thinks the way I'm doing things are wrong , I'll kill everyone they ever cared about ! May be then they will understand.......A little of my hatred ."- Lisa Said agreesively ." In the end , There's no greater motivation than Revenge !"

" But Revenge is not good , it's mean ! "

" I know Revenge sounds mean that's why I prefer to call it returning the favour !"- Lisa replied and her yellow orbs started Glowing even more and her Right hand also started glowing with a rare yellow light as she uses her power . " I will do things to your mind . you will wish you had the strength to deny !

" In real battle , who fool waits for there enemy's turn . Good Bye Forever ! "

" Alright ! Every member of IPSSS are safe here ! "- Captain kaizo and Ramenman said together .

" Okay ! Now step aside , I'm going to destroy those all space ship ."- Sanaya replied seriously .

" I just hope that it wouldn't be ..... Lisa and Liina ! Please God please ."- Sanaya thought to herself . " One thing I know for sure that if it's really Lisa who's doing this than she'll never hurt me atleast , will she ? " .

" The hardest Battle is between What you Know in your head and What you feel in your heart !"-Sanaya have twin track thoughts, they run parallel to one other, always onwards. Heart-led intelligence will beat greed-fuelled intelligence every time. For the greedy will stop when to continue fails to serve their own limited interests, yet the heart-led acts on behalf of all and thus she is braver in the face of personal danger.

" Sanaya ! Sanaya ? "

" Huh..?? Haa ? What ? ......"- Sanaya said nervously as she came back to reality .

" Is something wrong with you ?"- Captain kaizo asked her .

" Nope ! I was just thinking that ........ Forget about it . Let's being !"- Sanaya take a deep breath and quickly changed the topic to calm down her thoughts and mind because she knows that this time if she'll lose control from her powers than there's no one to help her .

Sanaya immediately teleported herself near those all Space ships and Started creating a huge , destructive RediantDark Canon ( Just like Boboiboy's Supra Canon ) and as she's going to destroy those all Space ships which are more than 80 , She heard some Screams from behind. Her eyes got widened in shock as she saw It's....... It's Captain kaizo and Ramenman .

" Noo......" - Sanaya screamed, got distracted and stopped as she saw Captain kaizo and Ramenman both are almost choked and floating . This scene is just same which happened with Admiral Mechamato and Admiral Maskmana . Not exactly the same but even more painful for them .

All members of IPSSS also got superised and nervous as they all saw captain kaizo and Ramenman like this . Some of them even tried to came near them and help them but they all were thrown far away .

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