Why ( Chapter-51 )

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" BOBOIBOY THUNDERSTORM ! YOU..... YOU'LL REGRET THIS ."- Boboiboy said as he turned in to Boboiboy Thunderstorm within a Swift Movement with a agreesively face expression and clenching his Long double sided ThunderBlade .

Before everyone present there could react or say anything . Boboiboy Thunderstorm quickly teleports infront of Lisa and above to Slash her with his ThunderBlade but before he could , Lisa immediately closed her eyes and catched his ThunderBlade with her left hand without even getting Shocked .

Boboiboy Thunderstorm angrily tried to push his ThunderBlade forwards in order release it from Lisa's Fist and to hit her but it's no use because Lisa's grip is so strong it's not letting his ThunderBlade move an inch .

" How dare you do this with Ochobot ?"- Boboiboy Thunderstorm yelled quickly and angrily .

" Yelling during an argument it means you already lost the fight ! "- Lisa replied calmly .
" You know , I used to play with this kinds of blades when I was around 4-5 years old .

Lisa's eyes are closed yet She's still holding Boboiboy's ThunderBlade with her left fist but she again said while smiling , " I'm trying my best to be Polite , but if you move this Blade a centimeter closer to me than I'll forget that you're even sanaya's brother . I will tear you apart .

She said as she slightly clenched that ThunderBlade so that ThunderBlade got crushed into million pieces and disappeared .
Now finally she opened her eyes and saw Boboiboy turned back to normal yet he's still Superised and Shocked .

" She .... She Stopped and crushed Boboiboy's ThunderBlade with just her bare hands !"

" Humans tend to think logically but their actions are always driven by there emotions !"- Lisa spoken again but this time everyone also don't get it , How she didn't get Shocked and broke down Boboiboy's ThunderBlade this instant .

" What..... What kind of powers you're actually misusing , Huh ?"- Fang and Ying Asked superisedly to Lisa

" There's always an time and order of things to know ."- Lisa replied seriously . " You're all just ordinary people who driven to Revenge in the name of justice . But if Revenge is called justice , thenthat justice breeds yet even more revenge becomes a chain of hatred ."

" Then What role does justice play in your order ?"- Maskmana asked seriously and curiously.

" Hmm.... Justice is a weapon . It can be used to cause harm . But it cannot protect anyone , like the incident of Ochobot . Your justice cannot remove that Virus inside from Ochobot but still ..... Boboiboy above to Slash me with his ThunderBlade in the stupid name of Justice or we can say........ Revenge !"- Lisa explained manipulatively . " Afterall , Justice in this universe is just a bunch of principles , made by those with power who suits them . "

Boboiboy clenched his fist frustratedly after hearing her sentences and he quickly argued , " You're Wrong ! Justice is the fair treatment of people , the quality of being fair . Justice is reason and law . Reason is defined by one's own beliefs. Law is made law through power !Revenge is a kind of wild justice, which the more a man's nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out.

" I would like you to answer one question before you dispose of me . If having power is justice , being powerless is evil ? Is Revenge which is named as justice is evil ?"- Lisa questioned seriously . " The laws doesn't protect people , people protect the laws because they're blind . In this space , evil can arise from the best intentions and there's good which came from evil intentions ."!

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