Troubled and Confused ( Chapter-49 )

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After 45 minutes , In control room of IPSSS ,

When Admiral Mechamato , Admiral Maskmana and Commander Ziziro just entered inside, discussing about the things that happened during that war and also commander Ziziro informed both of them a Shocking news which was totally unexpected for them .

" What ? Commissioner of IGP ( Intergalactic police ) got murdered six days ago? "- Maskmana and Mechamato both said together shockingly and superisedly .

" It means Commisioner got murdered on the same day of battle and also just before 3-4 hours before that battle of IPSSS ? "- Mechabot also said .

" I don't think it's just a coincidence! "- Mechamato said to Maskmana while still thinking .

" May be , but Investigation and supervising team think it's any coincidence because ........."- Commander above to say further but couldn't manage to Make courage .

" Because What ? "

" Because Investigation and supervising team already found out the person they thought who's suspected for Commisioner murder and they also declared it officially on the News Today ......"- Commander Ziziro hesitated but finally spoken . " According to the them , he is ...... Captain of IGP !"

" WHAT ? "- All of them except commander Ziziro got superised and Shocked .

" There's no way Captain of IGP could kill Commisioner ! "- Maskmana explained shockingly ." We all know Captain of IGP all to well and why would he killed him ? He has no reason to murder him ! How can they even say such a thing ? He's been framed !"

" But..... That's the truth . Even Tampur-A's supervising team also went there for it's investigation but all the evidence they found were indirectly leading to the Captain of IGP !"- Commander Ziziro tried to explain but he also understand there's no way they are going to accept the truth .

" After three days , Captain of IGP will be taken in Space-peace court for further details and punishments !"- Commander Ziziro informed them . " And General of IGP personally requested both of you to be present there !".

After listening this , Admiral Maskmana and Mechamato both silent for a moment because they don't know what to say on this matter . They both understand all to well , there's no way captain of IGP could do such a thing .

" Is there anything else which superised you ?"- Mechamato asked Commander Ziziro . " I mean.....Is there any evidence or coincidence between those both situation that Investigation team found but didn't get any proper proof ?"

" Hmmmm....... Let me Remember ."- Commander Ziziro tried to remember and replied quickly . " Yes ! It's about timing and System hacking codes ."

" Actually the murder of Commisioner just happened 3-4 hours before the Battle with Captain Zaroba for IPSSS and second thing which is suspicious is that the security systems hacking codes which are used to hack both the system of IPSSS and also the system of IGP are same !"- He explained .

" It means the person who hacked Systems of IPSSS and the system of IGP were same !"- Mechabot spoken .

" May be but the investigation team informed that ....."- Commander Ziziro above to speak but Admiral Mechamato quickly spoken .

" People in supervising position in investigation are suppose to give to much of their opinion , and if they are wrong , all it would take is an apology but , that apologises can not bring back the honour and the respect a person owns during his whole life !"- Mechamato said to Maskmana and Commander Ziziro .

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