Confused Situations ( Chapter-56 )

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" What are you thinking of ?" - Admiral Mechamato Asked again curiously . " Are you hiding something ?"

" Why should I , Admiral ?"- Sanaya replied confidentially and respectively . " The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."

" Lisa was just asking me that Why I decided to join IPSSS because she wanted me by her side again but I refused so..... Now she's my enemy , Just as you all Heard !"- Sanaya replied calmly. " Also she just warned me what will she do after this ...... That's all ."

" Really ? What she's going to do ?"- Ramenman asked quickly .

" Nothing you can Stop !"- Sanaya replied as she silently glanced at all .

" Sanaya , Is there anything else we're left to know about anyone of your friends and you ?"- Captain kaizo also asked irritatedly

" Yay , Because You are Dark Angel , A lengendary Space warrior , Lisa is Bounty-hunter , Mimina (Miina) is a Heiress , and Liina is a Technical expert who hacked almost our whole Security, Defence and Communication systems without even letting us know ."- Fang also added . " You all are so different !"

" Huh .....? Those are very Good Questions !"- Sanaya said as she nervously smiles .

" If you knew that Lisa is such kind of person and when you also won that last Battle, and got her Power ring too then Why you returned her that power ring , sister ?"- Boboiboy asked tensedly .

" I agree Boboiboy That , Lisa is sure short tampar , Agreesive and Dangerous or may be evil and bloodthirsty but ...... She was never a back stabber !" - Sanaya answered her brother calmly ." Not all Villains are same . Some Villains are only following orders while others turned into villains for people they love and want to protect . Some are villains because it's their job and some Villains are just looking for justice !"

" Wow !"- Captain kaizo spoken sarcastically and irritatedly . " You really did an amazing job by giving back her power ring , That time , By trusting on her again stupidly . And By preferring an enemy who's willing to kill us all ."

" She won't do that again . Trust me ! "- Sanaya replied seriously . " She told me .........."

Sanaya about to complete but Kaizo quickly interrupted irritatedly , " Ohhh , Lisa told you and you just simply and naively believed on her . She's a lier . She's manipulative . She has her games , her clever tricks . Everyone falls into her trap and you did too , Dark Angel ! "

" Ohh , Atleast I was doing something , That time . But you just stand still here like an idiot ."- Sanaya replied angrily to Kaizo . " And how much you even know about her and me anyways ? People like you always judge others by their Actions and words ; Not by their intensions ."

" The only thing Rediantbot told you about me is that How I survived that Galaxy War and may be a little of my Childhood or life events , only because it doesn't want anyone of you to doubt on me , Not Anything else so don't mistakenly think you know everything about me !" - Sanaya added agreesively and calmed down . Kaizo also not willing to answer her so he just nods silently.

" Calm down , Sanaya ! "- Admiral Maskmana said politely . " You're not wrong nor anyone here is trying to prove you wrong , It's just that when you said Lisa is your enemy and then When Lisa warned us that time , we all got tensed and anxious because she's not someone who could be Defeated by someone else . The action one takes are answered by the consequences waiting at their conclusion ."

" Different conclusions are reached when one fact is viewed from two separate point of view . When that happens there's no immediate way to judge which point of view is correct one . There's no way to conclude one's own conclusion is correct one . But for the exact reason , it is also premature to decide one's own conclusion is Wrong ."- Sanaya also spoken confidentially .

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