A Past of battle ( Chapter-38)

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During this whole continue Battle , On the front side of IPSSS ,

Captain Kaizo and Ramenman are fighting and defeating every pirates skillfully but more and more pirates are still coming towards the Space station . The amount of pirates are more than there estimations and they are also not awared of this sudden attack from this space pirates . Approx. 70 percent of IPSSS's army is defeated now and still pirates are not stopping from coming yet there's also no sign of the Grand captain Zaroba , the one of the most Dengerous space pirates leader . No one is seeing the space ship of Captain Zaroba .

After some minutes , when finally Ramenman and Captain kaizo defeated every evil pirates on the front side of the IPSSS . Ramenman approached to kaizo and said , " We have to contact Commander Ziziro to ask him the about the situation of the other sides of IPSSS !"

" Alright ! I'm contacting him ."- Captain kaizo quickly tried to send a call to the commander Ziziro but something is wrong . The call is not going yet . It shows some kind of errors .

" What's wrong Kaizo ?"- Ramenman asked him .

" Something is wrong ! I'm unable to contact anyone . It seems like some kind of technical issues ."- Captain kaizo tried again to call Commander Ziziro but again it's showing
errors .

" I am also trying to contact Admiral Maskmana but my communicator is also showing communication errors ."- Ramenman replied and trying to contact Admiral Maskmana but his communicator also shows errors .

After some seconds , Sanaya immediately appears there and came near Ramenman and captain kaizo . Ramenman and captain kaizo gave her a confused look because they didn't excepted Sanaya between the Battle .

" What are you doing here ?"- Captain kaizo seriously asked Sanaya .

" I'm only here to inform you that the whole systems of IPSSS are crashed down and all communication devices are also suddenly stopped working and I need to inform this to Admiral Maskmana and Mechamato , so Do you know where is he ?"- Sanaya asked them .

" What ? "

" It will be a trouble for us . Afterall , so many members of IPSSS are also defeated and now we can't even get to know about the positions and numbers of pirates ."- Captain kaizo

" But how IPSSS's whole system crashed down this instantly ?"- Ramenman superisedly asked ." And doesn't Commander Ziziro tried to contact TAPOPS and Tampur-A for back-up ?"

" Hmm... I don't know about back-up teams but I do know Commander Ziziro said someone hacked the whole systems of IPSSS that's why it stopped working ." Sanaya quickly replied to Ramenman ." Where's Admiral Maskmana and Admiral Mechamato ?"

" They are fighting from the back side of IPSSS because the amount of pirates are more on that side ."-Ramenman replied her while thinking something.

During this whole conversation , cap. Kaizo and others noticed some more pirate's Space ships coming towards them .

" Ramenman ! You go there and immediately inform Admiral Maskmana and Admiral Mechamato about this situation and try to fix this problem instantly . "- Captain kaizo explained him." I will fight with the rest of the pirates here ."

" Alright !"- Ramenman said and quickly left .

Those pirate's Space ship came near them but no pirates is coming out from the space ship . Instead of pirates , now cap. Kaizo and Sanaya saw more than 30 huge Destroyer robots coming out from the ship and started firing on the IPSSS. IPSSS force shield was already broken because of that system crash .
The whole space station started shaking because those huge Destroyer robots are shooting the IPSSS with there huge laser canons .

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