As expected ( chapter-30)

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In meeting room of Mechamato's space station

After saying that , Sanaya noticed that everyone is silent for a moment so she immediately spoken and tried to change the topic because she understood that they all are not going to trust her after that last dreaded incident . Mind in mind , Sanaya is also not happy because she thinks others are not going to trust her , and she also thought , her own parents also don't think she's capable of using this Dark elemental power which makes her more hurt but still she tries to convince her mind and heart .

" Afterall, this power has no use for me . I just love to do concerts and singing with my bandmates "Sanaya replied to Boboiboy and took a glance at her parents ." But How you gonna use ochobot to take my powers ?🙂"

" Actually ochobot is an absorbing power sphere ."- Boboiboy

" Ohh....😯 ! Then why ochobot as the power of teleportation ?"- Sanaya confused .

" Because ochobot absorbed the power of teleportation from klamkabot ."- Boboiboy explains to her.

" But why ochobot absorbed the teleportation power from klamkabot and what happened to klamkabot ?😯"- Sanaya Confused.

" It's a long story ! "- Boboiboy and his friends .

" Then short it !😄 I'm so excited to hear this story . Afterall , I'm don't have anything to do now ."- Sanaya

" Actually , it was happened when we were just 10 years old and ........"- Boboiboy about to say further but Admiral Tarung stopped him .

" Can't you both just discuss this things later ?"- Admiral Tarung to Boboiboy " First use ochobot's absorbing power to take Sanaya's Dark elemental power !"

" I think , he is right !  "- Sanaya

" Alright !"- Boboiboy and Sanaya

After this , Mechamato taked ochobot and turned On it's elemental Draining power . Sanaya is just a bit nervously sitting on the chair while looking at his brother.  Everyone inside the room just looking at sanaya's nervous expressions .

" Elemental Draining "- and as ochobot said this , a light yellow light started coming from it and hits Sanaya .

Sanaya got nervous and gasped as she saw that beam is hitting her and trying to take her powers , but nothing happened . Ochobot's draining power beam is continuously hitting her but still Sanaya is not feeling anything . Just after a few seconds , ochobot started glitching and that absorbing ray stopped coming from it . Ochobot automatically stopped and fell on the floor . Everyone in the room get superised and started thinking that why ochobot stopped working and why he doesn't able to take her powers . Sanaya also got shocked as she saw ochobot just stopped while trying to take her power . As Boboiboy and his friends saw this , they all immediately went near ochobot . boboiboy picked up ochobot in his hand  and started calling it's name .

" Ochobot ! Ochobot ! Ochobot ! Are you listening me ? "- Boboiboy worriedly . " Wake up ! , What's wrong with ochobot ? "

" How this is happened ?"- Yaya and Ying tensed

" Why ochobot just stopped like this ?"- Fang

" Oh no ! Ochobot just stopped like this ! What we gonna do now ?"- Gopal .

" Calm down , Boboiboy ! Let me check ochobot ."- Mechamato approached to him and taked ochobot and started looking in it's settings .

" What's wrong with this power sphere ? "- Commissioner

" Is it damaged or something ?"- Maskmana

" Hmmm..... It seems like some kind of technical issue with ochobot when he used it's absorbing power on Sanaya to take her dark element ."- Mechamato still checking ochobot .

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