unexpectable ( Chapter-23 )

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In meeting room of Mechamato's space station ,

When , Tampur-A , kaizo , Admiral Tarung and Commander are just discussing about something , commander got a message from Admiral Maskmana to meet them in the control room .

" What happened , commander ?."- Captain kaizo

" It seems like , Admiral Maskmana want us to meet them in the control room ."- Commander

" But why ? , we already gave that memorybot to Admiral Mechamato ."- Admiral Tarung

" I think , there's some kind of problem there . We all need to go there ."- Tampur-A

" But , if we all are going there , then who's gonna wait here for commissioner of IPG?  He would be here anytime !."- Captain kaizo

" It's still time . We can go there and I don't think it's gonna take much time ."- Tampur-A

" Alright !."- All

As they all are in corridor and heading straight to control room they all just stopped inbetween as they heard someone is singing . They all just stopped in front of the room of Sanaya's room, has they all heard a sweet voice of a girl singing . They all give eachother a confused expression and before they can say anything they saw Boboiboy and his friends are coming towards them .

" Huh !Admiral , commander , you all . What are you all doing here ?."- Boboiboy ( superised ) .

" We all are here to give Admiral Mechamato that memorybot and to discuss something ."- Admiral Tarung

" Is boboiboy get his memories back ?."- Captain kaizo

" No, captain ! Boboiboy still don't remember anything , even after that sucessful memory transferring process ."- Fang

" What ? " - Tampur-A , Admiral Tarung and commander

" And what about Sanaya ? Did she get her Memories ?."- Captain kaizo

" Actually when me and dad went to gave Sanaya her Memories back ....... Memorybot stopped working . It seems some kind of damage in it soo..........."- As boboiboy about to say further , he stopped as he heard her mom's and her sisters voices .

Everyone give eachother a superised and confused expression . They thought that Sanaya is waked up . Boboiboy quickly opens the door next to him and as he enters the room , he saw that her sister is waked up and crying while hugging her mother tightly . Boboiboy quickly approach to them and give a hug to his sister . Sanaya's eyes got widened as she saw his brother and the tears started falling from her eyes like an unending stream but after few minutes sanaya wipes her tears and sits properly on her bed as she noticed boboiboy's friends and others are inside the room , starring at them .

" You finally , she waked up !."- Commander and Admiral Tarung while looking at Amato's wife who is still trying to wipe her tears .

" Yay , I guess ,she's fine now ."- Amato's wife while wiping her tears

" But , Sanaya still don't have her memories !."- Captain kaizo

" No ! Actually she doesn't have her some other Memories but Amato said that she do have her childhood memories after that incomplete memory transfer process ."- Amato's wife

" Hmmm. So that's why Admiral was calling us there . He wants to talk about Memorybot ."- Tampur-A

" Hey , it means that sweet song we all heard , is the voice of you and Sanaya ."- Yaya and Ying  while looking at boboiboy's mother .

" Ohh, so you all heard us ! That was unexpected !."- Amato's wife . ( Nervous )

" Mom ! But why didn't you used to sing a song or Lullaby for me when I was a little kid ? I never heard you singing before ! Your voice is incredible ."- Boboiboy

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