The end of meeting ( chapter-31 )

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In meeting room of Mechamato's space station ,

" Lisa !! Please calm down . "- Sanaya while putting her hand on her shoulder and tired to stop her from speaking  ." Lisa , please ! It's fine . It's not there fault , it's my fault . Only because of me they are asking you this type of questions . Please calm down . I'm sorry ."

" Sanaya , Listen ! I doesn't even want to come here but I only came here because of you . Infact , I doesn't even care to answer there Ridiculous questions . They all are asking questions like we did something wrong ." - Lisa angrily .

" Lisa , it's rude of you to talk like this ."- Liina slowly told her with a low voice .

" Yay , she's right . You're so rude ."- Miina nervously .

" Shut up ! You both are no one to tell me what to say or what not to say ."- Lisa loudly and angrily to Liina and Miina .

" Lisa , Enough !"- Sanaya warned her to Stop .

" Alright ! Now if you all are done by asking me your ridiculous questions , can I leave now ?"- Lisa asked to everyone seriously .

" Okay ! You can go . "- Mechamato

" Thanks ."- Lisa replied seriously and left the room quickly .

Everyone gave eachother a confused and serious look but before they all can say something, Sanaya immediately spoken .

" I'm extremely sorry for Lisa's behaviour . She's always like this . " - Sanaya apologized to all ." I'm sorry from her , please. She is a little bit short tamper girl but she didn't mean to say anything to anyone . "

" Alright ! "- Admiral Tarung and Ramenman .

" In short , there's no meaning in discussing on this topic untill Ochobot and memorybot gets repaired "- Commander .

" Hmm...... I think , It's meaningless to say anything on this matter until Sanaya gets her full Memories . What you think , Commissioner ?"- Maskmana while looking at Commissioner .

" I guess , you're right !"- Commissioner .

" And it's also not going to be a problem if sanaya has her powers , as long as She's here and get's her full Memories back ."- Ramenman

" Alright ! "

After some minutes , In Sanaya's room ,

" I never thought , Lisa would be this much agressive ."- Miina while sitting on sofa

" Miina , you don't know her properly . She's very short tamper girl . She never knows when to keep quiet ."- Sanaya standing beside Liina

" Yay ! You know , I got very nervous when she just started getting irritated but hopefully situation get under control otherwise it's soo hard to keep Lisa quite ."- Liina

" Hmm.... I don't think Lisa is totally wrong but ..... Sometimes she's soo rude and mean ."- Miina

" Miina ! Lisa is our friend too . Please don't say such a thing about her . Lisa only spoken those things because of me ." - Sanaya

" Anyways , I think we need to leave now ! "- Miina stands up from the sofa " Afterall , me and Liina are also going on planet Dargahya to leave Froggy back to it's planet ."

" Yay ! She's right . We need to go now . Take care and we will be in contact with you . See you ."- Liina about to leave but stopped as Sanaya asked something to them .

" WAIT ! Can I see Froggy for the last time before you put him back on planet Dargahya . I'm really gonna miss him ."- Sanaya

" If that's the case , Liina ! You go and bring Froggy here . Me and Sanaya would be waiting for you here ."- Miina

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