A confession of love ( Chapter 36 )

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At Yaya's home ,

Boboiboy and Yaya already bought the whole ingredients for Yaya's special cookies and When boboiboy and Yaya enters inside the home . Boboiboy noticed , there's no one inside . He thinks may be Yaya's mom is not at home so he asked Yaya and started a simple conservation with her .

" So Where's aunty ?"- Boboiboy asked Yaya nervously .

" Oh! Mom isn't at home . She went outside to buy some groceries ."- Yaya gladly replied as she noticed boboiboy's nervous face expressions ." So........ Let's get into the kitchen and start making cookies ."

" Yay ! Let's go ."- Boboiboy happily said.
In kitchen of Yaya's home ,

Yaya puts all the ingredients on the table and started wearing her afaron . She also passes another afaron to Boboiboy .

" So what should we do first ?"- Boboiboy

" Alright ! First put all this ingredients on the table for my cookies . "- Yaya said happily as she passes the list of ingredients of cookies to Boboiboy .

" Alright so first is.................



Chocolate bar


Date spices


Lemon grass


Fresh milk from a Local White Goat

Onion " - Boboiboy readed the list of all ingredients of Yaya's special cookies and did the same as Yaya told him .

" GOOD !😄😄😊😊"- Yaya gladly and excited to make cookies with boboiboy ." Now let's get started ."

After an hour ,

When Boboiboy and Yaya both together made all cookies and cookies are baked and ready to eat .

When Boboiboy and Yaya both together made all cookies and cookies are baked and ready to eat

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" What do you think boboiboy ?"- Yaya excited

" Huh....... Yay , cookies are looking awesome 👍."- Boboiboy

" Then taste it and tell me how are my cookies ? ."- Yaya sweetly asked as she passes some cookies to Boboiboy.

" Okay.................. "- Boboiboy nervously smiles and takes a cookie. He slowly stared at Yaya and put that cookie inside his mouth and chews it .

"So how's the taste ?"- Yaya 😊😊😊😊

" Hmmmm..... It's Very tasty . I love it ."- Boboiboy nervously as he chewing that cookie because the taste of her cookies are still the same but then also boboiboy doesn't want to break Yaya's heart so he is the pretending, the cookies are good .

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