Truth ( Chapter-50 )

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After 20 minutes , In the main Deck , IPSSS ,

" WHAT ? Sanaya got unconscious after getting her Memories back ? "- Ramenman and Captain kaizo asked together superisedly .

" Yes ! "

" It's strange , What could possibly she remembered ?"- Maskmana asked his friend , Mechamato .

" Sometimes memories are the worst form of torture and pain , May be she remembered something which she shouldn't ! "- Mechamato replied while still thinking .

" Why didn't you first saw her Memories before giving back to her ?"- Amato's wife questioned .

" That time , I didn't Thought it's necessary , Afterall , Sanaya will tell us Everything after getting her Memories back soo.... I thought it would be fine ."- Mechamato replied tensedly .

Meanwhile ,When they all are just discussing and talking , A member of IPSSS enters inside and informs them that those friends of Sanaya came here with Rediantbot And also they want to meet Admiral Mechamato for Some reasons .

" You mean Lisa , Liina and Miina came here with Rediantbot ? "- Yaya and Ying asked together . " Didn't Rediantbot got destroyed during that battle with Captain Manato ?"

" Actually no..... Rediantbot didn't got destroyed ."- Boboiboy spoken calmly . " It was just that Sister doesn't want to tell us that time for some reasons . May be I forgot to tell you this ...."

" Wait a second .. How they know Captain Sanaya is here because she suppose to be on Planet Earth with her family right now ?"- Fang quickly questioned .

" May be she told them before Some days that she is here !"- Gopal answered him .

" No problem , Afterall we also want to meet them to Ask somethings !"- Admiral Mechamato replied seriously to that member of IPSSS and that member went Outside .

Just after some minutes , Miina , Liina , Lisa and Rediantbot enters inside . Lisa is not speaking anything but she just holds Rediantbot's Hand silently as she stares at them all Sharply as she thought , " I Feel Somethings is not good here . Does Sanaya told them everything ? I don't think Sanaya could do such a thing but Even if she told them everything , It doesn't matter much to me now ...... Always keep your foes confused , if they are never certain of what you want , they can't know who you are and what your planning to do next !"

After a moment when no one spoken anything between this confusingly silent,  Admiral Maskmana quickly asked , " What Brings you all here again ?"

" A Continuum of Terrible choices . "- Lisa replied calmly . Liina and Miina doesn't even want to interfere between this conversation so they just stepped aside and let them continue .

" Not superised from your answer , We cannot even except much from a person like you ."- Ramenman quickly said irritatedly " You lied during that meeting , you said you have no idea about Rediantbot then what is it ? You're a lier !"

" Okay , so I lied . Everyone knows how to use lies in front of Families , Friends , Society . Everyone puts on a different mask , yet is that a sin ? "- Lisa replied as she narrowed her eyes . " lying is not illegal yet ."

" Seriously You think in that way , You're stupid !"- Ramenman again replied to Lisa irritatedly .

" I can normally tell How intelligent a man is by how stupid he thinks I am . "- Lisa said as she wore a Smile like a loaded gun while staring at them ." Some people are really soo Delusional that they think it's disrespectful when you don't just sit back and allow them continue to disrespect you ."

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