Half and blur memory ( chapter-21 )

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After 15 Days , In Mechamato's space station ,

" So what's the condition of both of them , Now ?."- Admiral Tarung

" Doctor said that boboiboy's injuries are recovered but still he is in coma "- Admiral Mechamato ( sadly )." But sanaya's injuries are not fully recovered and she's also in coma ."

" Hmmm. I hope both of them will recovers soon."- Commander .

" But , one thing is sure that sanaya's and Boboiboy's powers are really incredible ."-Tampur-A

" Yay , I never saw such an incredible power which is capable to Destroy whole planet like that ."- Captain kaizo

" Amato , I just need to inform you that IGP 'S commissioner wants to meet you to discuss about something , so he would be here anytime !."- Maskmana

" But , why he wants to meet me , again? I thought we already told him that Sanaya was manipulated and she didn't mean to Destroy that prison and his police force . "- Admiral Mechamato (annoyed) . " Even Tampur-A and TAPOS members also understands that it's not her fault that she made that much destruction . She was manipulated by captain Manato , just like Boboiboy ."

" calm down , Amato ! I know that we already told him , but then also he wants to discuss about something, so he would be here anytime ."- Maskmana tried to explain him . " Anyways, where are boboiboy's friends and ochobot ?."

" They are in boboiboy's room , Now ."- Mechamato .

In boboiboy's room ,

When Everyone is just sitting on the sofa and talking about Boboiboy with boboiboy's mother .

" So , you mean boboiboy is always like this ."- Amato's wife .

" Yay , he always forgot things like .........he always forgot about our camping trips ."- Gopal

" Yes , we try our best so boboiboy could remember that we have things to do but he always forgot everything and he also saves Adudu and probe whenever we are on  missions . He must have to understand that they are bad guys and our job is to capture them , not to save them."- Fang .

" Hey fang , It happens only sometimes , not usually !."- Yaya

" I see  . 😄 " - Amato's wife chuckled . " He is just like his Dad ."

" Really ?."- Ying

" Yes ! Their characteristics are very same . Amato also sometimes forget things just like Boboiboy. "- Amato's wife with little smile ." Boboiboy is very lucky that he as friends like you . I'm sometimes worried about him because he always had Dengerous missions to do and many more , but Now I think he is enjoying with you ."

" Fang , what are you thinking of , Now ?."- Ying as she noticed that fang is thinking of something .

" It's just that why boboiboy did not told us that he is the son of Admiral Mechamato and why he never told us about her sister ?."- Fang

" Because he also doesn't know that he has a sister , he lost her sister at a very young age and honestly , Me and Amato doesn't want boboiboy to interfere in this family matters even boboiboy doesn't know that his dad is Admiral Mechamato . "- Amato's wife

" Ohhh !."- All ( superised )

" I just want to see Boboiboy's face expression after knowing this whole thing ."- Gopal 😁 " he will be superised and shocked ."

During this , Yaya noticed that boboiboy is slowly opening his eyes so she immediately went near boboiboy and ochobot also approached to him . Everyone just take a look at boboiboy who slowly opened his eyes and said slowly " where am I ?." And as boboiboy just said this , Yaya immediately hugged him tightly . Boboiboy just blushed a little as he noticed that Yaya is hugging him tightly like she never want to lose him . After some minutes , Yaya slowly left the hug as she noticed that everyone are starring at them and let boboiboy sit properly .

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