A Fight of Revenge ( chapter-15)

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At Tampur-A's headquarters ,

" You all are right ! I'm sorry friends . Now I will show captain Manato , what he gets for messing with my friends ."- Boboiboy said aggressively.

Boboiboy stands up quickly . Ying and Gopal helps Yaya to stand up because she's still hurt . Fang is just watching them . It looks like he's still not Okay because he thought that Sanaya just used that photo to complete her Goals by using him . He thinks that it's all because of him and he started blaming himself in mind .

Meanwhile , captain Manato also noticed from his space cameras that , now boboiboy is against him so he decided to finish the battle by himself . He started putting his armour and power sphere . He has the power sphere named , strengthbot . Strengthbot is such a kind of power sphere which gives you the power of strength . If anyone uses this Power sphere then no one can defeat him , in the terms of strength . He immediately picks up his battle sword and ordered his two pirates to kill that two girls Liina and Miina , who are in prison , Right now and after that to join the battle .

( Captain Manato's battle suit, )

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( Captain Manato's battle suit, )

Now , captain Manato personally enters the battle . Without wasting a single minute , he killed enormous number of TAPOPS army aliens and went straight to the another side of headquarters , where there are Admiral Tarung, Tampur-A and captain kaizo . He also took his best pirates of his army with him and each evil alien has one Powerfull power sphere so it would be hard to defeat them at all for them .

As Admiral Tarung saw them coming , he immediately ordered kaizo and Tampur-A to take care of that other evil aliens and he will take care of captain Manato and they both also agreed .

After this the whole war begins between captain Manato and Admiral Tarung . Captain kaizo and Tampur-A are also fighting with that other evil aliens of captain Manato and they are doing has they planned . First they will detach their Power spheres and then they will kill them but it seems like captain Manato's army is more powerful then there estimations , so it will be hard for them to fight with them all , at once .

During this , Fang , Ying , Yaya , Boboiboy and Gopal are watching them all fighting . Boboiboy can't hold himself anymore . He can't just stand there by doing nothing . He wants to take revenge from captain Manato , who lied to him , but still boboiboy's memories are inside memorybot and none of them ,know that where is that power sphere called memorybot and they also don't know that where is ochobot ? .

" I ..... I can't just stand here , by doing nothing ! I want my revenge from captain Manato who lied to me that you all are illusions . Because of him only , I ..... I hurted Yaya . "- Boboiboy said while clenching his fist .

" Boboiboy calm down , please !."- Yaya said in pain .

" She's right , boboiboy ! Let Admiral Tarung handle captain Manato by himself . I'm sure they all had a plan to defeat them ."- Ying

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