Game of Battle ( chapter-41 )

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Near IPSSS ,

Captain Zaroba and Mechamato are still fighting with eachother . This fight has been a choreographed dance of destruction for so long . Now, The time has come for some new moves to show to finish this war .

Mechamato constance weighed the sword in his right hand, slashing it delicately at the air with a novice-like apprehension towards captain Zaroba and as he did so the reflection of the Red flame danced warmly within the black blade . The handle of the sword was bound , the hilt decorated and not understated, and the blade was long enough to hit captain Zaroba's sword and fist . Captain Zaroba's sword slipped from his hands pushed away by Mechamato's sword . captain Zaroba felt that Mechamato's sword just long enough to realise that he ended him and all that awaits his consciousness is the vast emptiness of space.

" You're done Zaroba . You lost !"- Mechamato raided his Sword towards Captain Zaroba like he's trying to say that he won this war and cap. Zaroba is lost .

That Sword pushed away so far from captain Zaroba and turned back into an power sphere , Swordbot . Captain Zaroba is defeated now , but suddenly Boboiboy started floating in the air , almost like he choked . His movements are stopped and the panic sets in like a hand griped him around his neck so tightly . Boboiboy automatically pushed towards the space station and about to hit the wall but again hopefully Yaya used her Gravitational power to stop boboiboy .

On the main hanger of IPSSS ,

" Boboiboy ! You okay ?"- Yaya and Gopal asked him worriedly.

" Ahh.......I....... I'm fine ! "- Boboiboy replied and gasped . His whole body is still hurting because of the influence of that power.

" Do you find anyone around here , who could use this kind of power on me ?"- Boboiboy asked tensedly .

" No ! We found no-one suspicious around the IPSSS ."- Fang said and came near boboiboy after defeating all other pirates on the main hanger . " We tried to find everywhere around the whole Space Station but there's no one who could use this kind of power. "

" Ohh! And Where is Sanaya ?"- Boboiboy asked .

" She's still trying to find the person who telekesised you and also fighting with some pirates on the other side ."- Ying said and joined them .

" We must have to do something ! Immediately , Otherwise we all would be in great danger ! "- Boboiboy said to all his friends .

" Hey , Dude ! We all are already in danger because first the whole systems of IPSSS is  shutted down then captain Zaroba and after this hidden power user ! We all are done for..😰😧 Gopal said to Boboiboy while shaking his shoulders .

" we must have to do something ! We can't just let anyone control us like this ."- Boboiboy argued to everyone.

" But we also don't know who's doing this ?"- Yaya and Ying asked nervously ." We tried to find that person or power sphere everywhere but still we didn't found anyone ."

" But I still don't understand ..."- Fang said confusingly ." If that unknown user has this kind of Dangerous power that can control anyone then why he or she is hiding ?"

" Yes ! Fang is correct . If that user has that kind of power which can telekesis anyone then why he's hiding ?"- Yaya also started thinking and asked boboiboy .

" Ummmm ......I don't know ! But one thing is sure , there's must be a reason why that person who telekesised me and my sister that time is hiding ."- Boboiboy started thinking deeply ." May be it's possible we already know that person that's why he or she is hiding or may be it's just a part of something even greater and dangerous thing ".
Meanwhile , Near the front side of IPSSS ,

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