A Battle of emotions ( Chapter-39 )

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Sanaya quickly stands up and saw the Grand Captain Zaroba standing on a space ship of IPSSS . She started thinking , how he escaped from that blast attack . She got shocked as she saw the Grand Captain Zaroba because he's looking so Dengerous and scary . Sanaya noticed , captain Zaroba is holding a huge sword who is wearing a metallic horn type helmet . His metallic armour is also seems soo heavy and strong . He seems so cold and frenzied, like a beast for everyone .

 He seems so cold and frenzied, like a beast for everyone

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( The Grand Captain Zaroba )

Captain kaizo also got superised because he also don't believe that captain Zaroba just escaped from that huge Destruction . He clenched his Amber Energy blade , as he's preparing to attack on him .

" Hahahahaha ! What makes you even think , I Destroyed inside the space ship ? You foolish people really thought I'm Destroyed with that space ship . You all are stupids !."- Captain Zaroba said with a evil laugh

captain kaizo gave his enough expression by hearing captain Zaroba's words so he quickly attacks on captain Zaroba from behind with his Amber Energy blade . Captain Zaroba suddenly turned back , catched kaizo's amber Energy blade with only one hand before kaizo can attack on him . Captain Zaroba punched kaizo on his stomach very forcefully with his other hand , kaizo pushed back and hits the Space ship's wall and falls on the floor .

" Hahaha..... Such a ridiculous move !"- Captain Zaroba approached near cap. kaizo and said , " You weakling !".

Captain Zaroba immediately raised his Dengerous sword and about to attack on captain kaizo but before captain Zaroba can attack on him , he quickly creates his Amber Energy barrier around him .

" Multi Amber Energy barrier ! "- Captain kaizo quickly creates a multi Amber Energy barrier around him but captain Zaroba rammed his huge sword into Kaizo's multi Amber Energy barriers , all barriers broke down like a piece of wood by captain Zaroba's sword with a ultra Destruction sounds . Kaizo again pushed back as his multi barriers Destroyed by captain Zaroba and fell on the floor of the space ship . He tried to stand up but fails . Captain Zaroba again runs towards kaizo while clenching his sword to finish him off .

As captain Zaroba is about to attack on captain kaizo with his Dengerous huge sword , Sanaya quickly appears infront of him and attacks on captain Zaroba with a Destructive Dark beam .

" Redium-Dark Beam ! "- Sanaya screamed and a Black-red beam comes from her hands and about to hit captain Zaroba but he quickly puts his Bastard sword in front of that beam . His Bastard Sword suddenly absorbs sanaya's whole Rediant Dark beam but captain Zaroba pushed back so far from them due to the force of her beam .

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