Strategy of Battle ( Chapter-42 )

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On the main hanger of IPSSS ,

" Dad ? Dad ? It's not possible !"- Boboiboy said tensedly while sitting on his knees near his dad (Amato) . It was totally unexpected for everyone who's watching this because no one even imagined that Admiral Maskmana and Admiral Mechamato could be defeated .

Everyone present on the Main hanger feel the tension and hear the intensity in Boboiboy's tone. There's a great deal of emotion behind these words he is speaking but He needs validation of his emotions, not some solution.

Slowly , Gopal and Yaya also approached near boboiboy . They also understand how Boboiboy came to feel this way, that in the same situation, they would feel it too . Yaya slowly puts her hand on Boboiboy's shoulder and said ," Calm down Boboiboy ! Don't forget this battle is still not finished yet . You need to get up and fight !"

But on the other side of the Main hanger , Fang and Ying saw so many more pirates coming near the main hanger . They can't wait for boboiboy to come there and fight so they both decided to deal with those other pirates by themselves . As they both are about to attack on those pirates , Sanaya teleports infront of them and defeated all nearer pirates around the main hanger within a single second, by using her Rediant Dark scythe .

Sanaya quickly teleports herself on the Main hanger near boboiboy ,Yaya and Gopal and saw that his Dad and Maskmana both are defeated and unconsciously lying on the floor . Fang and Ying also quickly approached near them and gave an worried expression because the battle is still not done yet . There are more pirates on the other sides of IPSSS and they could be here anytime even captain Zaroba is also still there and could be here anytime .

Boboiboy slowly stands up , white knuckles from clenching his fist too hard, and gritted teeth from effort to remain silent, his hunched form exuded an animosity that was like acid - burning, slicing, potent. His face was red with suppressed rage . It seems like right now he's going to transform into Thunderstorm or Blaze but Sanaya immediately stopped him .

" No ! Don't do it boboiboy ! " - Sanaya said and quickly stopped him from transforming into Blaze or Thunderstorm . Boboiboy , Yaya , Gopal , Fang and Ying still don't get it that why she stopped him .

" But Why ? "- Boboiboy argued angrily ." That Captain Zaroba and that user of telekesis power hurted my Dad and Admiral . I won't let them Go away ."

" Boboiboy is correct ! We will teach that captain Zaroba a lesson ."- Fang said angrily .

" I also agree with them ! Why are you saying 'No' and stopping us ?"- Yaya asked sanaya tensedly and confusingly .

" Because He who rushes ahead doesn't go far . The expert in battle moves his enemy , And is not moved by him . You all doesn't even know who's your enemy , his powers and his plans !"- Sanaya said to all . " Just Think about it !".

" But we also can't just stay here by doing nothing Otherwise that captain Zaroba will Destroy IPSSS !"- Boboiboy argue angrily with Sanaya .

" I agree with Boboiboy , Afterall We do know captain Zaroba's powers and we also know that unknown user with the power of telekesis is hiding somewhere around IPSSS ."- Fang also supported boboiboy this time .

" We just have to find that unknown user with the power of telekesis or psychokinesis !"- Ying added .

" See ! You all doesn't even know which power that unknown user has . That's not the power of telekesis or psychokinesis , That's the power of Omnikinetic-Manipulation ."- Sanaya explained them .

" Omni.... Omnikin.... What ? "- Gopal asked confusingly ." It's really a wired name . What kind of power is this ?

" Omnikinetic-Manipulation means the ability to manipulate everything using all kinetic abilities. An Omnikinetic is an individual that can develop all psychokinetic abilities throughout the self as he/she obtains and manipulate everything at will."

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