Regrets Of Decisions ( Chapter-55 )

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Sanaya clenched her fists frustratedly as tears are still falling down from her eyes . But just after Some moments , she quickly created her RediantDark Sword while giving a death glance to Lisa and said , " The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake so.... I'll kill you right now ! "

" As you wish for ..... I believe nothing happens by mistake. You know, the universe has a divine plan. That sounds dramatic."- Lisa Chuckled and replied Confidentially ." A well adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous."

" You .......!"- Sanaya's RediantDark Sword ignites with Darkness as she screamed in anger and aimed her Sword towards her and ready to attack But during this , Admiral Maskmana quickly interrupted .

" DON'T DO IT SANAYA ! "- Admiral Maskmana ordered and quickly stopped her so Sanaya got distracted . " There's no meaning of it . "

" Huh .....Agh ......!"- Lisa got irritated as she noticed Admiral Maskmana trying to stop Sanaya . " Who gave you RIGHT to interfere between our conversation ? "

" Omni-Cryokinesis ! Freeze ! " - Lisa's hands quickly Surrounded with Ice as she uses her Powers and her eyes turned blue Just like her skin . All the people present in that room except Sanaya , immediately got inside in the individuals Ice barriers which appeared from nowhere and surrounded them from all sides .

Before they can even do anything , They all got trapped inside those individuals Ice Barriers created by Lisa and got totally confused yet still Captain kaizo and Ramenman tried to break their barriers but surprisingly their attacks has no effects on it and that's when they all understood that this Ice barriers are not created by just ordinary Ice . They all are kinda more stronger and weird unlike ordinary ice .

Fang , Yaya , Ying also tried to break it but it had no effect than suddenly Gopal got an idea so he quickly smiled .

" Step aside , Let me handle this !"- Gopal said confidently and quickly used his molecular Transformation power on his Ice Barrier . " Candy Transformation ! "

But yet as Gopal Touched those Barriers with his power , those barriers quickly started freezing Gopal's Hands and also shockingly his Power had no effect on it . Everyone there totally got tensed and shocked as they saw Gopal's power has no affect on it .

" There's no use of it ! This all Ice barriers are unbreakable , Untransformable and Unmelted !"- Lisa smirked and said . " Ice more stronger than Diamond . Ice more colder than heartless Love . Ice more Dangerous than fire of hell !

" Hey ! Get them out of it , Now . "- Sanaya yelled angrily on Lisa as she saw everyone trying to get out of those barriers but it has no effects on it .

" Not until you calm down and listen to me !"- Lisa replied gladly as she watches those people struggling to get out of their Ice Barriers except Mechamato and Admiral Maskmana because they understood there's no one in the universe who can break or melt this Ice Barriers because they are created by Omnikinetic-Manipulation power .

Suddenly Boboiboy got an idea and he quickly used his Blaze elemental power , " Boboiboy Blaze ! Now I'll melt this barriers , Fire Rings attack ! .

As Boboiboy's fire Rings attacks and hits on that ice barrier , That barrier quickly turns those both Fire Rings into Ice Rings and reflects them back on Boboiboy but hopefully Boboiboy Blaze dodges those Ice Rings so they again hit the opposite wall side of barrier and got Destroyed .

Boboiboy Blaze yelled agreesively as he saw Lisa chuckling outside the barrier , " I'm not Done yet ! "

Now Boboiboy immediately used his Solar elemental power and turned into Boboiboy Solar , " Boboiboy Solar , Let's break it down Now ! No Ice barrier in the universe can stop Solar from coming through !"

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