A tragedy of emotions ( chapter-29 )

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In meeting room of Mechamato's space station ,

" Sanaya ! From where did you get this bracelet and locket ?"- Mechamato confused

" Yay , did you went to the power sphere Vault ?"- Amato's wife superised

And as Mechamato asked her daughter that how she got her bracelet and locket back . everybody quickly take a glance at Sanaya and noticed that she's still wearing her locket and bracelet . They all started thinking that how she got her bracelet and locket ? Or does she went inside the power sphere Vault to take this ? . They all gave her a serious expression and as sanaya noticed them all , giving her a confused and serious expression . As sanaya started thinking about this , her head slightly started hurting so she slowly clenched her fist . She slowly started getting irritated because there are soo many blur images and memories in her mind but she always fails to remember them .

" Ahhh....... Is something wrong if I wear this bracelet and locket ?"- Sanaya seriously replied to all while looking at her locket and bracelet ." It's mine ! So what's wrong if I wear this ?"

" We didn't mean that sister ! We're just asking from where did you get this ?"- Boboiboy calmly asked to her sister .

" I found this bracelet and locket inside the power sphere Vault , when I was just wondering here and there ."- Sanaya replied to boboiboy .

" Why did you went inside the power sphere Vault ?"- Maskmana asked her .

" And how did you went inside without any password ?"- Commander kokochi asked her .

" Just same as I appeared here ! With the help of my Dark power , I just went inside it and taked my locket and bracelet . That's all !"- Sanaya a little bit irritated and slowly removes her locket while looking at her parents ." And if you don't want me to wear this locket , then sure you can take this back . Afterall you're the one who gave me this locket ."

" Sanaya ! I never said that you can't take this locket . Sure , it's yours my daughter . We're just asking you . "- Amato's wife calmly gave her a little hug and let her wear her locket properly .

" But sanaya, you can't keep this bracelet because it has the power of teleportation ."- Admiral Tarung said while looking at sanaya and Mechamato

" Yes ,he is right ! You can't keep this bracelet !"- Commissioner added .

" And why ? "- Sanaya slowly left the hug while looking at Admiral Tarung and commissioner .

Mechamato and his wife are still standing besides her daughter while noticing her reactions . Mechamato thinks that her emotions are really very unstable because of that incomplete memory transfer process but there's nothing he can do now . His wife also noticed her changing reactions , which are not unnoticed by anyone inside the meeting room .

" Because this bracelet has the power of teleporting objects and that's why you can't keep this . It's not your priority !"- IGP'S Commissioner while looking at sanaya .

" And who are you to decide whether I keep this bracelet or not ? I don't care about it's powers , it's precious to me because I my friends gave me this bracelet ."- Sanaya irritatedly and a little angrily replied to commissioner and as sanaya about to say further , her friend immediately calls her name from the outside of the meeting room ,to stop her from saying more .

" Sanaya ! "- Miina while waving her hand to her from the outside of the meeting room .

As sanaya saw her friends there , her emotions quickly changed . she immediately ran towards them and gave a tight hug to Miina and Liina . Lisa just steps aside and watched everyone's face expressions inside the meeting room . Everyone just gave a superised and confusing look to eachother . Mechamato and his wife gave eachother other a little confusing expression like they didn't expected from her daughter to talk like this but they also understands that her point of view is not wrong . They understands , that bracelet is precious to her and she's not totally wrong . Afterall her emotions are also unstable .

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