A sacrifice for heart ( chapter-19 )

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" Sanaya , Stop This ! He is your Brother ."- Amato's wife while holding her tears ." you both are brother sister ."

" Sanaya ! Boboiboy ! . "- Amato

And as Sanaya Heard this she feel the tension and hear the intensity in her tone. There's a great deal of emotion behind these words she is hearing . Than at the same time boboiboy would feel it too and he slowly move his head to take a glance at the person who said this . His eyes filled with tears as he saw his parents there on the space ship but He still don't believe on his eyes that his parents are here . His eyes and his mouth were frozen wide open in an expression of stunned surprise, and although he was staring straight at to his Mom and Dad .

In that frozen second , between blasts and war . sanaya see their eyes flick from her to him. There faces are unreadable and unknowing but still knowing .

A sudden gush of pain jolted throughout Boboiboy's body. His stomach ached, his arms lost tension and his legs began to weaken and suddenly his supra Blast beam started slow down but on the other side Sanaya's Rediant Dark Blast started becoming more strong because sanaya's head was pounding and she is trying to remember , who are they ?, who is his brother ? who is she ? , unable to speak, totally stunned as the name bounces around inside her skull.

She's still not believing what are they saying . She can't believe that the boy who Destroyed her friends , is not other but her own brother and this made her blast even more stronger . Boboiboy's Super supra Blast beam is becoming more and more weak as he heard this . He can't believe what are they saying because he don't remember any memories of her . He can't just believe that the person who forces him to do evil and manipulated him , is her own sister .

The scene was quite unbelievable, shocking really. There minds were sent reeling, unable to comprehend or process the images it was being sent by there eyes. Sanaya looked away , then looked back to see if they both are still there , They are . They are still calling out there names and this caused her stuttering in her heart . It looks like she don't have there memories , she doesn't remember them , she don't know that they are telling truth or not , But still her heart tells her she knows them . She's don't know , whom to listen . To her heart or to her brain .
Her heart tells her to listen them but her brain is not cooperating with it .

Sanaya started thinking that what she's gonna do now ? She can't just Destroy his own brother but still her mind is ringing with tune of No . Her inner heart is telling her that it's not totally boboiboy's fault because he didn't mean to Destroy her friends , but her thoughts are still not clear . In gathering the darkness she couldn't make out the colour so she immediately she closed her eyes for a second and has she opened them she saw something which made her heart feel fear . She saw that her Rediant Dark Blast is about to reach boboiboy and Boboiboy's Supra Blast is becoming more and more weaker and if her Rediant Dark Blast beam will continuously forcing boboiboy's supra beam like this , then boboiboy will be Destroyed .

As boboiboy started thinking that she's her sister , he couldn't believe that she is her sister but still after listening this his super Supra Blast beam is becoming more and more weaker . he is feeling a connection with her and as he saw his parents after such a long time . His eyes started filling with more and more tears and because of this feeling his Supra Blast beam is becoming weaker .

Sanaya tried to stop her blast beam before it will reach to boboiboy but she couldn't . She is still trying to stop her own Blast beam but it seems like she's losing control from her own Rediant Dark Blast . She can't control it anymore because of her negative emotions and unbelievable feelings , her blast is becoming out of control .

Now her Rediant Dark blast is just a few meters away from boboiboy and as she saw this her mind stopped working and her heart starting beating faster but still she's trying to control her attack but it's still out of her control . She tried hard to stop her own blast but she failed and as sanaya took a glance at the persons who are still screaming something but sanaya couldn't hear them . She is feeling a connection with them but still it's unknown to her . Now , She slowly move her eye from them to boboiboy who is still trying to stop her Rediant Dark Blast but he will not hold it for much more time . That Blast beam is coming more and more closer to boboiboy and still boboiboy is trying to stop that beam but his power is almost finished and as sanaya saw this she screamed in fear " Noooooo ............ " And as she screamed , she immediately appears next to boboiboy by using her power of teleportation and without thinking and wasting a single second , she immediately teleported Boboiboy somewhere . She don't know why she did this but her heart is telling her to do this so she did but has she saw that her own Rediant Dark Blast is about to Destroy her instead of boboiboy . She immediately creates a Dark Shild around her to protect herself from her own Rediant Dark Blast and as that Rediant Dark Blast beam hits her Shild . It creates a huge Destruction . Maskmana immediately told Amato and his wife to get inside the space ship and maskmana , captain kaizo quickly take there space ship backwards as saw that Destruction and they all couldn't believe , what just happened ?

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