~| whatever might await us from now on

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I just wonder if you have noticed the chapter names. Cuz now, every time I write this, I hear that song


The door closed behind his friends, and Jungkook was finally alone with his little prince.

The man didn't miss a second.

"Come here baby," he scooped the kitten up. "You're such a pretty kitty, you know that? My beautiful boy. My precious little prince." He kept kissing all over the tiny creature, giggling when the cat started to lick his face.

"Cutie," he murmured, cradling the animal as close as he could. "You are my little perfection, my favourite boy."

He kept the kitten in his arms as he walked around the house, cleaning up the coffee table and recycling the beer cans. Jungkook was not as drunk as to not realize the situation. Actually, he was in a good mood. He walked around the house humming an upbeat song and even twirled on the spot a little, eyes on his kitten. The twirling stopped soon when he realised the cat was not enjoying the spins.

"Sorry, baby," he kissed the tiny head again.

Before retreating to bed, he put the kitty down next to its litter box.

"Go do your business, little one. While I go do mine," Jungkook chuckled, winked, and stood up. With his eyes and head he encouraged the kitten to go and pee, before he himself vanished inside the bathroom.

He reopened the bathroom's door before he started brushing his teeth, and smiled at his pet when it came to watch him.

"I'm not sure we have a cat toothpaste, but we could try and find you one?"

A meow came from the hallway.

Jungkook giggled.

"Let's go to bed, my prince!"

Again, he scooped the kitten up, only to put the animal on his bed. Kook quickly took off his clothes, leaving on only his boxers, as he was not used to sleeping in anything else, and hopped onto the bed.

The light was off when he snuggled underneath the covers, patting the space beside him. "Come on here!"

The voice he used to speak to his kitten was nothing he had ever used before. As all animal lovers do, he was slipping into uwu mode every time he was left alone with the kitty.

And Jungkook didn't mind.

He cooed as he watched the cute, black ball of fur tiptoe over the covers and sit down right in front of his face.

Then it leaned in to rub Jungkook's cheek, purring in satisfaction.

"Such affection," the man chuckled. He kissed the kitten again. "I love you too, baby."

That is how they went to sleep every night. With great affection shown from both parties.

Wonderful, indeed.

° • .° • ° • . ★ . • ° • ° .• °

His kitten had been acting a little weird recently. Not like anything was wrong, but the meowing and the rubs had become too intense.

And the mewling that sometimes startled Kook, sounded as if the cat was in pain. Its affectionate head-rubs against Jungkook's... everything more eager than ever before, left Kook at a loss of how to help.

The most confusing was the tail. It was always up in the air when the kitten was like that. As if on the tips of its toes, the cat presented it as an antenna, and leaned his whole body against Jungkook.

He had looked it up. What this sudden way of affection could mean, and sat down in bewilderment again.

"Kitten, it looks like you're in heat," Kook rubbed his neck in confusion. "Are you sure you're not a girl?"

The furball just meowed back. Both eyes big and asking for help.

"Maybe we should find you someone who can help? Another cat?"

He could have sworn the cat hissed. But the sound was too quiet to tell.

"No? I also think that's a bad idea," he leaned down to rub all over his kitty's neck and back. "That would mean I have to share you with someone else, my dearest. And I'm not ready to do that." He picks it up, leaving yet another bundle of kisses all over the tiny head, giggling to himself. "I'm your one and only."

It looks like his kitten will have to live through the heat without any help...

° • .° • ° • . ★ . • ° • ° .• °


(lol we r getting' there)

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now