~| but the more i try to escape and struggle, the more they follow

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The next morning when Jimin finally stirred from his sleep, he felt... good. The first thing his body recognised was the lack of pain he got from being in heat.

So it was over.


The next thing he did was try to open his eyes. He slowly focused his good eye, rubbing the sleep away from it, and then-- Jimin jumped, hiccupping in surprise as he realized Jungkook was awake and staring right at him.

"Morning," he gulped, squeaking out the only thing that came to mind.

Jungkook nodded. "Good morning, Jiminssi." He sat up from his previous position, still looking at the hybrid that lay in his bed. "When I woke up this morning, I had the feeling that I had dreamt all that happened last night. But then I turned around," Kook's brows rose up, "and there you were, still human."

Jimin felt his ears droop again, and he bit his lip. "But I'm not, really... I'm not human."

"I know," the man sighed. "But you look like one. Well," he grinned, noticing the tip of Jimin's tail stick out from the covers, "almost."

The hybrid tried not to grin, but couldn't help himself.

Jungkook's moods seemed to change in a second. Because he already managed to wonder if Kook regretted letting Jimin stay. "Thank you for allowing me to stay here..."

Jungkook got up, sighing while he did so. His shoulders seemed a little tense, but Jimin was too nervous to offer his owner a massage.

"I still need to go to work," the man started, moving from the bed. "So I'll say this once - no shady business around the house, got it?"

The giggle was small, but the man still heard it. "What do you mean by funny business?" Jimin was sitting up in the bed now, head tilted to the side, not understanding the meaning behind Jungkook's words.

"Don't invite anyone to stay over. Don't go anywhere. Don't...steal anything."

That hurt.

The hybrid rushed to stand up, ready to prove his innocence. "I'm not-- I'm not a thief!"

Jungkook, who was already halfway out the bedroom door, turned around once more. "I know, I just... I know that if you were you'd have already sold everything I have. It just... I just said it because it had to be said, okay? I'm sorry."

Jimin's ears twitched a little and he smiled sheepishly. "It's okay..."

He slowly stepped towards Jungkook, but before he could wrap his arms around the man's torso for the morning hug they usually shared, Jungkook stepped away.

"I'm going to take a shower. Can you please make coffee, if that's okay?"

Jimin tried to act like the brush-off of his offered hug didn't affect him. He smiled politely. "Yes, of course."

"And put on some pants. I have many in the closet," Kook added before he left the room.

° •. ° • ° • . ★ . • ° • ° .• °

And that is how their days continued.

Jimin woke up at the same time as Jungkook, and while the human went to take a shower, the hybrid made him breakfast. He wasn't the best cook in the world, but there were things that he made perfectly. One of them being eggs and bacon, which Jungkook smiled and nodded over every morning he ate them.

But no matter the smiles and phrases for well-made food, the hybrid's cheerful high decreased a little every time he noticed that Jungkook did not touch him in his human form.

So one evening the hybrid had tried out a theory. He turned himself back into a cat and waited for Jungkook to come home.

And the change of attitude hurt his little heart.

Jungkook was back to picking him up and calling him all the sweet names again. Yes, the occasional kitten was addressed his way while he was human, too, but every other name Kook had given him... Jimin had missed it. He missed the love. He missed being kitty, and little one, and Jungkook's prince. He missed being called beautiful, especially now when he knew he was damaged goods.

No one wanted him. His own owner didn't like his human form...

So Jimin stayed a cat.

Because he wanted Jungkook to love him.

° •. ° • ° • . ★ . • ° • ° .• °

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now