~| remains a safe place of my heart

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Jungkook was drinking a cup of tea, waiting for the hybrid boy to come out of the bathroom.

The..kitten(?) - Kook still hadn't asked his name - begged Jungkook to let him try and take care of his problem, and he, of course, let him.

So he waited, confused about everything that was happening.

Yes, the fact that his dear kitty just up and turned into a man was blowing his mind, but that was only one of the thoughts going through his mind.

He had slept with that kitten every night. Had kissed the tiny creature all over. Had talked to it all the time.

Now Jungkook understood why the cat meowed back every time he said something right. Or wrong.

The kitten indeed had understood him.

"Shit," he murmured, running his face with both palms.

The bathroom door opened, and his head snapped up.

The hybrid stepped into the kitchen slowly. He still wore Kook's shirt, but now had also asked for a pair of underwear. The white T looked giant on him.

His ears were again flattened on his head and the tail was tucked safely around his middle.

"Come sit," Jungkook asked, nodding at the place across from him where another cup of hot tea waited for the hybrid.

The boy listened.

His hands were hidden beneath the table, but Kook still saw them tremble.

Was it fear?


The young man furrowed his brow before he spoke. "What's your name?"

His kitten gulped, eyes down, trying to look invisible. "Jimin."

That was a beautiful name. And it fit him perfectly.

"Jimin," Jungkook cleared his throat, "those people who threw you in the river... Did they do this to you because you are a..a hybrid?"

The shoulders became even smaller, if that was possible. And the boy shook his head. "No," he choked out. With every following word, the beautiful voice became softer. "Those bastards did it because they are human. And humans love seeing the weaker ones suffer..."

Even though the last words were almost inaudible, due to the silence of the night, Jungkook heard every sound. He gulped.

Jimin continued. His shoulders were shaking, and his lips trembled. "They did it just because. Just 'cause it was fun throwing a small cat around like a ball and seeing how it reacts when they cut off half his ear."

The boy was crying.

Jungkook didn't tell it by his eyes - he could not see them due to Jimin's lowered head -, but because he noticed giant drops of tears fall down onto the boy's lap.

The young human male stood from his chair quietly and came around the small kitchen table. He kneeled in front of his hybrid kitten while Jimin kept talking.

"They grew tired of me soon enough. Found some random bag and then..." He shook his head. "Well, you know that part."

Jimin looked up and gave Jungkook a bitter smile. That smile was the most heartbreaking thing Jungkook had ever seen.

"Humans are the cruellest of all the creatures. Animals attack to survive. While humans... Humans do it for fun."

Kook's heart was breaking. He hated this. He hated that this had happened. All he wanted was for his kitten to feel better.

Their eyes were locked when Jimin whispered, "But not you."

Dare Kook say the boy smiled when he said it? Because the eyes that were looking at Jungkook with utmost gratitude were turning into two beautiful half-moons. "You saved me..."

The man smiled too. He wanted to protect this hybrid boy. Wanted to show him that not all humans were bad.

"Will you stay with me?" Jungkook murmured, trying to find something in those soft, tear-filled eyes.

The eyes in question widened. "Can I?"

Kook nodded.

Another wave of the salty waters hit Jimin's eyes, and the boy whined in relief. "Thank you," he exclaimed and threw his arms around the man's shoulders. "Thank you, ma--"

Jimin drew back. "How should I call you?" He hummed, while Kook was still stunned by the sudden hug. "Owner, Sir.. Oppa?"

Jungkook could have sworn his cheeks heated hearing that last one. "Just... Just call me by my name."

"Jung-- Jungkook."

He nodded. "Kitten."

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His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now