~| i'll walk the path into tomorrow with you

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Yes we will be skipping some time like I skip over the yellow snow these days...

I sarang you~~💜💜

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It had been another week. But this - so different and unique, the time had flown by without Kook noticing.

Jimin was wonderful. He was getting more used to being in his human form, and Jungkook could finally see his true self.

And the man loved it.

His kitten was actually a sassy one, if anyone could believe it. And he liked to watch TV. And laugh really loudly with his whole body falling, as if the joy took away his muscle strength.


And the shirt he wore each day. The white one was so big on him that one shoulder always managed to appear out from the collar. Kook could not stop staring at that patch of skin.


But when Jimin smiled at him... Jungkook had never seen anything more beautiful than his little one's eye smile.


Kook stood against the kitchen doorway, watching his hybrid roll around on the couch, as a comedy show played on the TV. There was something so domestic about the scene, the man needed to stop and take it all in.

He was at his home. But he wasn't alone anymore. There was someone else who made noise, who walked around, who ate and cooked food, who slept in his bed with him...

He loved it. Jungkook loved it all.

He was pretty sure he loved Jimin, too.

Kook moved then. Slowly walking behind the couch to where Jimin sat against it.

"Kitten," he called him, a soft expression on his face.

Jimin's dark head leaned back, trying to find Jungkook's face without turning around. "Hmm?"

Kook leaned closer and caught the hybrid's eyes. He moved his palms to lay them against Jimin's collar bones, noticing how the simple touch made his kitten close his eyes.

"You're so cute," Jungkook smiled and started massaging Jimin's shoulders.

A soft blush formed on the boy's cheeks, but he said nothing. Jimin sighed in pleasure as he enjoyed the warm squeezes Kook's long fingers provided.

"Do you want to go out tomorrow?"

Jimin's eyes snapped open. "What?"

The man stopped his massage but didn't remove his hands. He gently brushed over Jimin's neck up towards his face and stroked over those beautiful cheeks Jimin had, the urge to bite one faintly calling in the back of his mind.

"Let's go out. Is there something you want to see?"

"I-- But--"

The cute stuttering combined with those plump lips left Jungkook no choice but to brush his thumb across them.

"I'll get you a beanie for your ears. And find a big hoodie so that your tail has some space beneath. What do you say, little one?"

Suddenly Jimin's face was no longer beneath Kook's gentle palm. The boy had twisted around on the couch, kicked off with his feet and jumped over the back and into Jungkook's arms.

"YES, yesyesyesyes! Please!" He smiled and smiled, and smiled some more, all wrapped around Kook's frame like a koala.

Jungkook laughed and positioned his arms over Jimin's back. "Yes? You want that?"

"Yes! Thank you, Kookie! Thank you," the hybrid was laugh-crying and kissing Jungkook's cheeks in excitement.

The man could not have been more proud of himself. This meant so much to Jimin, and Jungkook was glad he realised it sooner rather than later. Jimin hadn't been outside for a while, and if he can make his kitten this happy by taking him somewhere, Kook had no right to deny it.

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Jimin was so excited for tomorrow he couldn't sleep. They had gotten in bed some ten minutes ago, and all he felt was his heart beating like crazy.

The boy was ecstatic.

He turned again, his whole body twisting to one side as he beheld Jungkook's handsome face. Kook was on his back, fingers crossed over his stomach, reminding Jimin of a vampire.

"Why are you not sleeping?" The man murmured, eyes still closed.

Jimin grinned. "I can't wait for tomorrow." He shifted closer to the human male, who lifted his hand up so that Jimin could snuggle against his side. The hybrid did just that in a second, rubbing his face, on a whim leaving his scent over Jungkook as much as he could. "Thank you," the boy leaned up and kissed Kook's cheek.

Jungkook was smiling now. He turned his head to the side, finding Jimin's gleaming, smiling eyes. "I'm happy you are so hyped about it."

His other hand found Jimin's palm and squeezed it softly, holding it against his chest.

Jimin felt Jungkook's heart beating beneath his fingers, slow and steady. Reassuring.

Kook still slept without a shirt on. But the hybrid couldn't complain. Jungkook's scent was the best when there was no fabric to cover it.

A little flushed, but still giggly from excitement, Jimin left a soft peck on Kook's chest. He let his head fall back against the man's arm, and eyes found the other's stare again.

But this time it was different. A little darker. Full of emotions.

Jungkook let go of Jimin's fingers and moved his hand to rest against the hybrid's cheek. He stroked the soft skin while the smaller stared at him, flustered.

"Kitten," Jungkook licked his lips and smiled. "I'll kiss you now."

He leaned in, twisting his body so that his head hovered over Jimin, and gently kissed the plump lips.

The hand that was holding Jimin's face at the right angle soon left the soft skin, only to travel lower and grip Jimin's waist.

The hybrid boy was fully encircled between Jungkook's arms, trembling a little from how good it felt to be surrounded in such warmth.

Jimin moaned softly. He let his arms circle Jungkook's body as well, one palm finding its place between Kook's shoulder blades, while the other vanished in his dark hair. He pulled the man against him. Every inch mashed together, but still craving more.

It was sensual. Their kiss.

Kook didn't rush his lips. Nor did he enter the mouth in haste. He licked and gently sucked on the lush skin his pretty kitty had, enjoying every stroke, every pull and taste.

"Kitten, you feel so good in my arms," he breathed against Jimin's mouth. "So right."

"It..." Jimin breathed, "it feels good, Kookie."

"It does, hmm?" Kook chuckled in adoration. Jimin's cute expression was nothing but precious.

"Yeah," the boy moaned again, shivering from the handsome man's voice alone.

"Do you want more?"

There was no hesitation, really. No thought about saying anything but a positive answer. He wanted it. He had wanted it from the moment Jimin saw Kook for the first time.

"Yes, please."

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His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now