~| why am i crying so much?

9K 491 66

Another hard day at work had given Jeon Jungkook a headache, and all the young man wanted to do was leave the house and walk around. Even if it was in the middle of the night.

He threw on a hoodie, covering his dark hair and half his vision with the hood, and took his wireless headphones with him as he exited his apartment in the dead of night.

Why not, right?

It wasn't the first time Kook chose to leave the quiet space he called home for a walk around the empty streets, to enjoy the peace of his town whilst most of its population was asleep.

The law firm he worked at never gave him time to stop and enjoy the beauty and quietness of nature during the daytime, so Jungkook opted for giving it to himself at night. He took turns right and left, easily crossing the streets that had almost no life buzzing through them at all. He enjoyed the glint of far-away streetlights, occasional flashes of a shop sign and the scarce still lit apartment windows whose stubborn inhabitants refused to go to dreamland.

His music blasted through his earphones as he glanced at the sky above him. He almost couldn't see any stars at all - clouds covered the sky, leaving small openings for the pale moonlight to shine through and over Jungkook's tired face.

The young man was right at the edge of a river when he noticed a car screech and stop on the bridge he still hadn't stepped on. It was a suspicious car, a car that hurried to roll down a window and throw something over the edge of the bridge's railing.

It was a dark bag that flew through the air and vanished into the darkness.

Jungkook didn't hear any sounds due to the music blasting through his earphones, but he saw a movement. And it made his heart stop dead.

The bag, even if the seconds it flew through the air were few, had been moving.

The car screeched and drove off, while Jungkook gasped in shock. Instantly, he was at the railing, squinting down at the water, looking for the discarded object.

There! He saw it sinking slowly, disappearing beneath the dark water.

He didn't think much about it. Jungkook took out his earphones and stuffed them inside his shoes as he left them, as well as his hoodie and phone, right there on the bridge before he himself jumped into the water after the sinking bag.

The water was freezing cold. Kook was engulfed by it and almost drew a breath under the surface just due to the shocking temperature. But the young, selfless man made himself move. He couldn't afford to back out now, couldn't afford to waste any more time.

Jungkook grabbed the bag and lifted it over his head as well as he could manage. He slowly made his way out of the freezing water, breathing hollow breaths and madly shaking all the way to the edge of the dark river.

"Fuck!" he gasped as he fell on his knees on the muddy shore. "Those pieces of shit!"

He put the bag on the ground gently. It was still moving, but not as frantically as before.

Jungkook fumbled around the bag, his fingers were trembling and freezing like crazy, but he managed to rip the material open, only to discover a tiny, black creature quivering and looking back at him with big, terrified eyes.

His heart squeezed when he saw it.

"Hey, little one," Jungkook murmured and gently took the kitten out of the bag, holding it close to his soaked body. "You're okay now."

In careful motions, Jungkook stroked the cat's wet fur, pressing it against his chest as he slowly got to his feet. He kissed the tiny head that kept releasing shallow breaths and moved away from the shore.

"Don't be scared, little one, it's gonna be all right," he whispered, "You're gonna be fine."

The poor creature kept shivering, its small body soaked to the bone, paws drawn together and tail in-between them. It didn't run, it didn't utter a sound, as the young man made his way back onto the bridge and towards his belongings. The kitten just trembled, allowing Jungkook to wrap it in his dark hoodie and press it back against his beating heart.

"It's okay, it's okay now."

Jungkook kept repeating his words in a soft murmur, hoping that it will calm the kitten down at least a little bit. He knew the animal could not understand him, it probably was in a state of shock, anyway, but Jungkook still kept reassuring it - and himself - all the way back home.

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now