~| to be loved, and to love someone

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Guess who's back for more?
You. You are! :DDD

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The cold water slammed in his ears and filled his lungs as Jimin took in a shocked breath. The next thing he knew he was already choking, panicking, screaming for help in the darkness where no one could hear. His hands and legs flailed around, searching for something to use to kick back from. But there was nothing. Just the same coldness all around, engulfing him, making him disoriented, afraid, alone.

His claws had come out and with them, just for a brief moment, Jimin felt that he scratched something. But that object was out of the way a moment later, leaving the hybrid desperate and clawing through the coldness while trying to find it again. He wasn't sure if he was crying. Had there been any tears, they would be mixing with the lake's water too quickly for him to notice. But he noticed another thing.

A set of hands Jimin was desperate to cling on to. Finally.


His head broke the surface of the water, the splash around him - deafening.

Jimin coughed. Hard. The burning in his lungs and heaves as the hybrid boy tried to gulp down oxygen was too loud to hear any other sound. But soon, finally, his saviour's voice fills his mind, drawing whimpers from his trembling lips.

"I got you, baby, I'm here," Jungkook murmured as he tried to slowly move towards the shore. Jimin kept kicking around him and the man could feel his kitten's nails scratching and digging into his skin. "Breathe, my love, just breathe." He grunted when the pain from Jimin's nails got a little too intense but did not remove his kitten's claws. If that was what Jimin needed, Kook would gladly let him scratch all over.

As recognition that Kook got him nice, close and safe slowly came, Jimin's kicks got weaker, submitting and trusting the one who was in the middle of bringing him out of the imminent danger. And by the time Jimin had stopped resisting, Jungkook was already at the shore.

The human held his lover in his arms, as the hybrid still kept his deadly grip around Kook's shoulders. The occasional murmur in Jimin's ear gradually calmed his breathy sobs and rapidly beating heart. His lungs still burned from the water he'd sucked in before and the hybrid heaved out a cough, trying to ease the pain.

They were both soaked, Jimin's beanie was long gone and his ears were dripping wet, fully pressed against his head. The kitten couldn't stop sobbing against Jungkook's neck and buried his face beneath the man's jaw. The tail that once was safely wrapped around Jimin's own waist was now hugging Jungkook's thigh - the way it always did when Jimin needed comfort. It was a way of showing just how much the hybrid trusted him. How much he depended on Jungkook to make it better.

"Kook," someone gasped from behind them, making the soaked human slowly turn around, his grip on the hybrid tightening with each of their raging heartbeats. "Jungkook," Yoongi tried again. His brain was struggling to keep the connection between what he was seeing and the reality in check. "Why does Jimin suddenly have a tail?"

"And ears, too," Seokjin added.

"Wh-what's going on?"

A sharp inhale of breath was the only warning Jungkook heard before the weight in his arms was suddenly gone. "Jim--" he managed, hands trying to grab something the wasn't there before Seokjin's shout and Yoongi's curses made him look at them once again. But the glance at his friends was short because their gazes were trailed on something else.

As Jungkook turned to look, he saw his Jimin dashing away as quickly as his tiny kitten legs allowed him, vanishing between the folds of their shared tent. The boy had turned into a cat and ran, leaving Jungkook to deal with the shocked humans on his own.

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now