~| it's monochromatic and cold

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It took the vet a while to do the checkup, and Jungkook had grown a little bit impatient. He sat outside, skimming through the Facebook feed, and after that - the Instagram feed, finding nothing to his liking - as per usual with those applications.

After that bored him even more, he did better. Jungkook opened the Internet's search bar and typed in "how to take care of a kitten".

He read through various articles about bottle-feeding a small kitten, before he realised that his cat was big enough to eat on its own.

The facepalm was in his mind, but it was still a facepalm.

Then Kook just read a little bit about how to make cats feel at home, and what to look out for. But mainly, the big idea behind all the articles was the same as what he already knew.

Let the cat adjust. Give it home. Food. And lots of love.


Jungkook didn't have anyone else to give his love to, so the kitten is going to receive more than enough of it. Even before the vet opened the door, Jungkook's mind had already decided that from this point on, the kitten was his, and he will do everything to take care of it.

"You can come in," Mr. Kim opened the door to his cabinet.

Jungkook hurried inside, instantly finding the kitten still on the table, but no more curled up in itself. It sat straight, left now-bandaged paw hovering slightly above the surface.

"I'll start with a question first."

"Go ahead," Kook sat down, suddenly becoming nervous from the vet's stern voice.

"Are you willing to care for him?"

Jungkook frowned in sync with the black kitten's meow. "Of course. The kitten's mine now. I'm its owner, if it will let me be one."

Kim Taehyung smiled. "I was hoping you would say that," he nodded. "Let's get to business. First off, the cat is not really a kitten anymore, he just looks like one. He's a full-grown cat, by all that counts."

The new owner of the animal in question stopped the vet with a "Pardon. You keep saying 'he'? I thought it was a girl."

The vet chuckled. "No, no it definitely has a teeny-tiny dick hidden somewhere there. Might look like a girl, but be assured - the cat's a boy."

Jungkook glanced at his kitten. He could have sworn the cat was glaring in Mr. Kim's direction.

"Okay," he lifted his palm and brushed his slender fingers over the back of its neck. "So what is wrong with it, or... Him?"

The kitten meowed again.

"Well, let's start with the most obvious. As you see, the left paw is injured. It has a fractured bone, so I bandaged it up with a small cast over it. You should change the bandage when it gets too dirty, I'm sure the little guy will allow it," Kim Taehyung smiled at the animal between them. "Next is the left ear. It is missing quite a chunk from the tip of it. It doesn't need stitches or any bandages as the injury was older than the one on his paw. But still keep an eye not it. Check if his hearing is okay from that side."

Jungkook kept nodding.

"And the left eye?"

The vet sighed. "He's practically blind from it. I would say that in time the sight will get worse, but I can't say that for sure. Just keep your eye on it."

The dark-haired male smiled at him. "Thank you, Mr. Kim."

"It's my pleasure. This one was a delight to work with," the vet smiled and softly rubbed the kitten's jaw.

The cat rolled its eyes.

They talked a little bit more about the food the kitten should have, and Mr. Kim gave Jungkook vitamins that the kitten must take every day for the following two weeks.

The veterinarian went with them to the counter and even gave Jungkook a discount.

And soon they were off, back inside Jungkook's car - him behind the wheel and the kitten in the passenger's seat.

"Let's go get a litter box and some toys and food for you, little one."

Another meow. And another after Kook smiled.

"You know," he chuckled, "I don't speak meow." Jungkook took a hand off the wheel and scratched behind the kitten's ear. "I wish I did, though."

The animal just looked at him. Its eyes blinked real slowly, enjoying the pets Jungkook offered.

"We are a team now, you and I, okay? I hope you will be fine with me being your new owner," he turned a corner. "I don't know who hurt you, but one thing I can promise you, kitten. I will not."

With those words he stopped the car, turning off the engine and again took the tiny creature into his palm.

"Let's go shopping!"

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now