~| even if this might turn out to be the beginning of the end

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Guess who's back. Back again. Shady's back. Tell a friend.
(I love that song. And 4 others that go on a loop when I am making my dinner again...) (Curtain Calls, imo, be the best album. but that My opinion)

have a cupcake 🧁

Okay, let's get it.
Let's go.
I sarang you~~💜💜

° •. ° • ° • . ★ . • ° • ° .• °

"Here, kitten," Jungkook stretched his hand out, holding with it a red hoodie. It wasn't his colour, even though he had bought it for himself long ago, but it would look good on Jimin.

Well, and oversized, too.

The moment his kitten's head popped out between the fabric, Jungkook wanted to coo. The hoodie practically swallowed him whole - it reached his mid thigh and gave him those adorable sweater paws. Which was the point, in a way. Jungkook wanted Jimin's tail to be hidden, but not stuffed too tight against his body it would get uncomfortable.

"You look cute," the man grinned.

Slowly, but steadily, Jimin's cheeks turned the same colour as the hoodie, as the boy smiled up at him.

"Thank you," his ears twitched and the tail did a curl behind Jimin's back. The hybrid boy was a hoe for compliments, and Jungkook always gave him the best ones.

Even yesterday night...

° • ° • °

"Lift your arms for me, kitten," Jungkook murmured against Jimin's neck.

Jimin did, and felt warm fingertips brush over his middle as Jungkook took a hold of his shirt. It was removed from Jimin's body slowly, teasingly. And when the fabric was flying over the room, Kook's eyes met his kitten's hooded stare.

"Jimin, you're beautiful," Jungkook whispered and gently caressed his left cheek, just beneath the damaged eye.

The hybrid's ears flattened again, as he fought the urge to not believe him. He flushed bright red as he let Jungkook take him in.

All his flaws and curves were laid bare under Jungkook's intense gaze, shivers coming and going as the human man stared. Jimin was shy. But he didn't care. There was warmth in Kook's eyes, and his touch was reassuring. It made Jimin understand that the man cared.

It let him give in to everything, trusting this human above him to take care of him in every right way that there was.

° • ° • °

Jimin bit his lip. He was still sore from all the activities they went through.

He still wanted more.

Jungkook came near him, grinning widely as he offered the boy a set of pants. "You'll need those too. I didn't know your actual size, so I got you sweatpants. I hope they fit."

The hybrid looked at them. They were completely black with a white stripe on each side and seemed to get tighter beneath the knee.

Without hesitation, Jimin put them on. The material was soft and comfy. It clung to his legs and didn't squeeze his tail against his backside as much as a pair of jeans would.

"Thank you, Jungkook. They're perfect."

The young man leaned down to kiss his kitten, the hybrid's ears flattening against his head in surprise when his face was engulfed in Jungkook's soft palms.

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now