~| for the adventure that lies ahead

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I don't want to write a lot here, as i know most won't read it anyway, but i wanna tell a few things

thank you for reading this and following the story while i wrote it (or after, no matter - you're here now)

it was not ever supposed to drag out this long in the first place. i was planning on HDK to have like... 13 chapters. and now i'm writing the smut which would be ch 30 :D jeezaz

umm.. yes.

i don't know why i chose to name the chapters after Your Eyes Tell. at that moment it seemed fitting

i made the titles based on different translations, so i get why some are surprised on why it's different. i just chose which i liked more. or combined them together. *shruggie*


thank you.

this book was more popular than i ever imagined it could get.

sorry for taking so long through spring and summer to update new chapters.

you are wonderful. amazing. beautiful. and i love you all

also, my lovely wife, i'll put a collar on you soon, too ;)

ha det bra!

even the darkness we see is so beautiful
please put your faith in me
looking only directly at you
so you don't go away

this look in your eyes is so colourful
you taught me

that someday the sadness will wind us together

your eyes tell

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now