~| so you don't go away

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From the second the young man stepped into his apartment, his dearest kitten was all purrs and head-rubs against him, right till the moment Jungkook's doorbell rang.

In a flash the little one was out of his arms and skidding over the floor into the bedroom.

"Don't be scared," Jungkook called after the furball but didn't wait for it to return. Unknown people might be too much for the kitty right now. Though he hoped that it would come out eventually.

Kook went to open the door for his best friends, smiling at the two across the threshold.

"Where is it?" Kim Seokjin dashed inside, ignoring the 'hi's and 'hello's they were supposed to share.

Jungkook wasn't sure how to react to that, but he was saved from making a decision when his other bestie stepped closer.

"Hey, man," Yoongi smiled, clasping hands with the host.

Jungkook let the other in, keeping an eye on the frantic Seokjin that now was looking around his living room with big, questioning eyes.

"So, guess who has been talking about meeting your new pet from the moment I picked him up?"

Jungkook chuckled. "Jin-hyung, it's not here." When his oldest friend glanced at him, Jungkook continued. "The kitten ran to the bedroom the moment you guys rang the door."

That made the oldest pout, wide shoulders drooping down a bit.

"Oh stop it!" Yoongi rolled his eyes. He put the plastic bag he was carrying on the coffee table and sat his ass down on the couch. "The cat will come if it wants to, not if you tell loud enough. Now come and sit yourself down here!"

Despite being older than Min Yoongi, Seokjin listened to his bickering. And Jungkook also soon followed suit, presenting the snacks he had bought earlier that day.

It was not like he hadn't seen his friends in a long time, but they still always found things to talk about. Jungkook absolutely adored the way Yoongi sometimes whined about work, or how Jin tended to gossip more than the local blog pages.

He told them about how he managed to come across his little prince - how he saw the dark bag being thrown into the water and how he jumped to get it.

"That is awful!" Yoongi murmured, eyes on his drink.

"Poor creature."

Kook gulped down the last drops of his beer, not denying their comments. Talking about that night made him angry and a little reckless. It made him want to find those bastards and throw them over a bridge.

But then a little meow came to Jungkook's ears, and he shot his head around to let his eyes fall on the tiny furball that had appeared in his bedroom's doorway.

Its big eyes looked at Jungkook, not entirely sure if it should come closer. If it was safe.

His expression morphed into a sweet smile. "There you are, little one," Kook murmured softly, but loud enough for the kitty to hear. "Do you want to come here?"

At that point Jin and Yoongi had already looked the pet's way, their conversation dying a natural death.

Seokjin was the first one to say something. "Oh, that's the cat? It's a little, um..."


Jin nodded his agreement at Yoongi's statement, but Jungkook only frowned and looked at them with stern eyes. He didn't see anything wrong with it.

Seokjin tried to explain a little more on what exactly he had meant by that, but no explanation helped the overprotectiveness Jungkook felt overwhelm him at that point. "I mean, Kookah, you are such a perfectionist. It is rare to see you with something that is..."

"Not." Yoongi completed Jin's sentence again.

Jungkook's eyes landed on his small baby again. The way it cowered around the doorway, head hanging low as if it understood what had been said. What Jungkook's friends told him about it.

"You're so wrong, guys," he smiled, waiting for his kitten to raise its eyes. "To me he is perfect."

That did nothing to make the cat move closer to Jungkook, even though in his mind he secretly hoped that the kitten would have understood him. And accepted his words as true.

"We are sorry, Kook. We didn't mean it in a bad way," Yoongi tried to explain.

"We are glad you have someone to come back home to. Even if it is just a cat," Jin added.

But to Jungkook his pretty kitty was not just a cat. It was everything the young man now wished to have. To hold and cherish.

His heart felt warm when Kook looked at his kitten. And his eyes promised the best cuddles the pet has ever had.

But later.

Now, he left the kitty alone, safe right next to the bedroom door, where it can retreat in when feeling too overwhelmed.

But the kitten didn't leave. It stayed right where Jungkook could see him. Right from where it could watch every move the young man made. Where it could listen to his owner's sweet voice and soft laughs.

And even with the distance between them, both knew they had found what they had always been looking for.

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His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now