~| i'll give my everything to you

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I'll put paws there 🐾

anyhow, please enjoy the following 'heist'. this is so dumb i can't.. i just can't :DD

I sarang you~~💜💜💜

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The plan was simple.

All Jimin needed to do was to climb a tree.

A simple thing on its own, but quite dangerous if we considered where he needed to do that.

Yes, in the Zoo, you guessed it.

After a few heated discussions on how they planned on getting the fox hybrid out of its imprisonment, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung opted for the easiest and the dumbest of solutions yet.

Out the window went all the hopes that the vet might pull some strings at the Zoo itself, and have the hybrid fox be delivered to them. Even though Taehyung's father was a well-known veterinarian and had ties to many powerful people, a purchase of a fox, somehow, was out of his reach.

Nonetheless, he managed to get something else.

It had taken the older man three weeks to have in his possession a tiny metal object that would turn the winds into their favour, but it had happened.

All they needed to do now, was to execute their plan.

"I don't like this," Jungkook murmured, as they slowly walked around the Zoo, unsuspiciously moving closer and closer to the fox's whereabouts.

Jimin leaned against his worried owner, putting his hood-covered head onto Kook's shoulder.

"Me neither. But we have to help him, Kookie."

The grip Jungkook had around the kitten's waist tightened. "I know. And we will," he sighed, both coming to a halt in front of the cage. The man pressed his thin lips against the hybrid's temple, murmuring into the soft, black hair, "I just hate to put you in danger."

"I won't be in that much danger," Jimin tried to shrug it off. "I'm just climbing a tree. Should be safe enough. It--"

"It's dumb," Jungkook bit his lower lip. "The plan is dumb."

Well, at least he wasn't the only one who thought that. "Do you have a better one?"

For a man of good grades at his university and a stable job now, no, Jungkook did not have a better plan. And that didn't sit well with him at all. "Just be careful."

"Just come and get me after," the hybrid boy giggled back.


They allowed themselves a sweet, soft kiss before Jungkook finally let go of his baby kitty. Jimin watched him go, as the man casually strolled further away from the hybrid who trusted him with his everything.

Somehow, the departing figure made Jimin already miss Kook's warmth. It didn't even take the hybrid boy a minute to want to be snuggled and kissed once again by his caring Jungkook.

But they all had a part to play in this, so Jimin better suck it up.

Jungkook's part in this was to start a fight with Taehyung somewhere nearby. That would cause enough of a distraction from the staff and onlookers to let Jimin climb a tree without anyone noticing.

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now