~| to face the past and the future

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Slim shady that you?

Yes that's me, PEACH, i have survived!!!

I sarang you~~💜💜

° •. ° • ° • . ★ . • ° • ° .• °

Jimin had spent the night at the old man's house. When the dumb fox had taken him away from Jungkook, Jimin had gotten scared he would never see the man again. He had tried to get away, tried to kick and scratch, and bite but Hoseok hadn't let go.

Honestly, Jimin's little cat heart had done so many flips and squeezes, he still couldn't calm down even after the whole night passed by.

The man whose house the other hybrid had taken Jimin to turned out to be Kim Taehyung's father. He was also a veterinarian who specialized in treating and researching hybrids. After the man had hurriedly explained to him who he was, Jimin had agreed to stay there and wait for his body to calm down enough so that he could transform back. But that hadn't happened. So he stayed the night.

Waiting to turn back.

Longing for Jungkook's warmth to surround him again.

Realising that the only way to regain his human form was to finally reconnect with his Jungkookie.

The stress was too much for him. Jimin knew it was more about the longing for someone who he loved rather than his 'fake' kidnapping that restrained him from taking his human shape again. Either way, he tried - tried all night but failed. And the morning came and he was still a cat.

So Taehyung's father called his son, informing him about Jimin being here. (He could have done that way sooner, Jimin thought, because not like he could say it - he was a cat.) All the hybrid was left to do was wait for his Jungkook to come and get him.

Wait and stare daggers at the fox who sat on the opposite couch.

Hoseok had cleaned himself - took a normal human shower (Jimin couldn't wait to have that) and looked guilty as fuck for creating such a mess.

Jimin didn't care for his apologies, though. Didn't care about his explanation as to why Hoseok brought Jimin here - it's because this was a space where all hybrids could go for help, or whatever he had said. The cat cared only for Jungkook.

Jungkook was the only thing he--

Hoseok jumped up from the couch and hurried out of the room. The sudden movement had startled Jimin, although he tried not to care for it.

But he still listened in on where the fox had gone. And thank the fates for it.

"Hobi?" came a deep but trembling voice, almost on the verge of tears.


And then...

"Where is he?"




Jimin was off the couch and ready to sprint towards that voice. Ready to cry and clutch, and never let go. Ready to bury himself in those arms that were reaching for him, finally feeling home.


He was on him in a flash, tackling Jungkook to the ground, shifting mid-leap into his human form - (tiny) dick flying in the wind and everything.

There was an uff from Jungkook as their bodies clashed and a whimper from Jimin who followed down onto the ground, landing above the man.

"Shh," Jungkook murmured, hugging the boy close. He let Jimin hide against his neck, sobbing in relief. Kook softly stroked his kitten's head while whispering against his ear. "I'm here. You are okay, little one. I got you now."


"I know, kitten. I know."

"I-I missed you."

Kook smiled against Jimin's shoulder, breathing in the other's scent. "I missed you too, my dear. I thought something had happened. Baby, I looked for you everywhere."

"I'm sorry-- I-I got so scared when he suddenly took me, but I couldn't get away, and--"

"It's okay, kitten. I've found you now," he hugged him harder. "I'm not letting you out of my sight again."

Jimin sobbed more.

And Jungkook, in return, hugged him tighter.

It took the hybrid a while to calm down from his sudden emotional discharge; a while Jungkook also spent draping a blanket over Jimin's naked body. He picked him up and went to sit down on the couch, Jimin snuggled on his lap and in a warm cage of his human's arms pressing him close to the broad chest.

Nothing and no one else mattered at that moment as Kook rocked the smaller gently, slowly letting go of the dread he had felt when they were apart. The man couldn't focus on anything but Jimin, even if his life depended on it.

His kitten looked tired. Jimin nuzzled his head against Jungkook's shoulder, giving up the will that had kept him focused till that moment. He had red eyes and a pink runny nose. Adorable. Precious. Tired.

"Sleep, my little prince," Kook smiled, kissing the exposed temple and gently scratching behind his ear.

"Mmm," was all Jimin could mumble before drifting off, secure and happy as he was finally in Jungkook's arms again.

° •. ★ going back by a few minutes ★ .• °

Kim Taehyung gulped. The body(Jungkook's) rushing past him did not register to the man whose eyes were focused on only one thing. Only on that one person who stood before him.

Head of red hair. Wide eyes. Flushed cheeks.

With trembling hands, the young veterinarian reached forward till his fingertips brushed against the vision before him.

"Hobi," Taehyung mumbled, enamoured.

The fox hybrid quivered on his feet, the warmth of Tae's fingertips storming through his body like a wildfire. The dazed expression was replaced by a broken sob as his body leaned closer to the warm touch.

"Tae--" his voice broke. "Tae~" The tears fell like a flood, droplets gathering where Taehyung's palm cupped his trembling cheek.

The young human tried not to cry. He gulped back his heartbreak, stepping closer to the broken hybrid he so loved and had missed. "I looked for you," he murmured.

"I'm so-orry," Hoseok hiccuped.

Tae leaned closer. "I thought you left me."

"I'm s-so sorry--"

"I almost..." he pressed their foreheads together, eyes closing with relief. "...believed you didn't care anymore."

"I'm so--" his voice was cut off by Taehyung's lips. Soft and gentle, and so so warm. So so like the home they both had missed. Their limbs entwined around each other and finally, after three years of unknowns and what-ifs, Taehyung had finally found what he had desperately missed.

He had found his Hobi again.

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now